Traumatic Experiences And Depression Among Vietnamese Americans -

Traumatic Experiences And Depression Among Vietnamese Americans - nice answer

I enlisted in the Marines right out of high school. At 21, I was sent to Vietnam. After only six weeks in country, while on my first mission, a land mine explosion took my right hand at the wrist and my left arm at the shoulder, and left me with severe burns over 40 percent of my body and face. I died twice on the operating table. Twice, I was brought back to life. My career as a Marine came to an abrupt end that day. When I was finally released from the hospital and returned to my hometown in Del Rio, Texas, I struggled with trying to find a new purpose for my life.

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The first one was one I deployed with. The second one was someone who I had worked with. The third one sent me on a tailspin; it was my counselor. I had such a hard time processing this. Here was the person who had essentially saved my life and helped me instill productive coping mechanisms in my everyday life, do the very thing he was trying to prevent me from doing. Even now, five years later, I still have difficulty wrapping my mind around this. The number of veterans that kill themselves each day is too high; one is too many. Veterans like Rogers are often recognized for service, honor, and bravery in the face of warfare. People may view them from a distance as mysterious heroes, but up close they are heroes and regular people. As Rogers so openly shares, veterans have the same relationship issues, self-doubts, dreams, hobbies, and mental struggles as everyone else. Traumatic Experiences And Depression Among Vietnamese Americans

Traumatic Experiences And Depression Among Vietnamese Americans Video

Traumatic Experiences And Depression Among Vietnamese Americans

In addition, many lack access to mental health resources and may have experienced negative or harmful outcomes when reaching out for help. How can mental health clinicians work to build cultural understanding and knowledge regarding the systemic inequalities this population faces?

Traumatic Experiences And Depression Among Vietnamese Americans

Wendy Ashley and Dr. Lipscomb, A. A critical analysis of the utilization of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing EMDR psychotherapy with African American clients. Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing EMDR is a psychotherapeutic intervention designed to decrease distress associated with traumatic memories. EMDR protocol has no adaptations or recommendations for utilizing this approach with African American clients, Traumtic an antiquated one size fits all treatment orientation.

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Without consideration of the lived experiences of African Americans and context that includes acknowledgment of stigma, shame regarding help-seeking, and historical trauma, this lens obscures the relevance of identity, privilege, power, and inclusion in treatment. The authors utilized an anti-oppressive, Critical Race theoretical perspective to examine four case studies of African American clients who received EMDR intervention to gain insight into the unique nuances that arise during treatment.

Emphasis will be placed on critiquing the treatment protocol; the positionality of the clinician and clinical implications for future anti-oppressive practice with African American clients utilizing this model. Please be aware that email is not a secure means of communication and spam filters may prevent your email from reaching the therapist.

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If Left Unchecked, PTSD Can Lead To Suicide

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Traumatic Experiences And Depression Among Vietnamese Americans

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