The Voting Age In Voting - something is
Congresswoman Grace Meng is reintroducing legislation in the House of Representatives to lower the voting age in America to Since and year-olds are legally permitted to work, drive, and pay federal income taxes, Meng says they should also be able to have their voices heard at the ballot box. Their activism, determination, and efforts to demand change are inspirational and have truly impacted our nation. In , Meng introduced the measure H. The last time the voting age was changed was when it was lowered from 21 to 18 in Meng had noted that cities in 13 states and the District of Columbia have the legal ability to lower the voting age for local elections through charter amendments, and several have already done so. In Takoma Park, MD — the first city in America to lower the voting age for local elections to 16 — and in Hyattsville, MD, and year-olds are voting at rates that nearly quadruple those of older voters. Internationally, at least 20 countries allow citizens under the age of 18 to vote.Are not: The Voting Age In Voting
CHINA AFTER THE REFORM AREA | 4 days ago · WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY) announced today that she reintroduced legislation in the House of Representatives to lower the voting age in America to 16 years old. Meng’s measure seeks to replace the 26th amendment to the United States Constitution with a new amendment that would allow and year-olds to vote. “Our young people, including and. 3 days ago · The main argument for giving the vote to 18 year olds was that if an 18 year old was old enough to be drafted into the military and die for his country, then he was old enough to vote. Another argument for lowering the voting age can be summarised . 3 days ago · In Takoma Park, MD – the first city in America to lower the voting age for local elections to 16 – and in Hyattsville, MD, and year-olds are voting at rates that nearly quadruple those. |
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The Voting Age In Voting | 3 days ago · In Takoma Park, MD – the first city in America to lower the voting age for local elections to 16 – and in Hyattsville, MD, and year-olds are voting at rates that nearly quadruple those. 3 days ago · ‘Squad’ member Pressley says she’s ‘shocked’ that lowering voting age to 16 is polarizing issue. Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., on Thursday said she was “shocked” that lowering the legal voting age to 16 is a “polarizing” subject of debate. 5 days ago · Congresswoman Grace Meng has introduced legislation that aims to lower the voting age in the United States to 16 years old. The measure seeks to replace the 26 th amendment and permit 16 and year olds to vote. The amendment would require passage by . |

One of the most debated topics in the arena of politics is voter enfranchisement. Or, more specifically, voting age.

Throughout history, the voting requirements have generally gotten less strict as time passes such as in the U. It is time we lower it again due to many reasons, chief among them increased availability of Votint and information, greater concern regarding politics among young people, and more pressing issues The Voting Age In Voting disproportionately affect young people e. Climate Change. The thing is, young people do know who they are voting for, oftentimes more so than older people. This is because more problems that we will have to face sooner or later exist now than in the midth century.
'Our young people deserve to have a stakeholder in our democracy," Pressley said
These issues range from Climate Change all the way to political corruption. The drive to change things may be greater in young people, as most of The Voting Age In Voting likely have years left this planet, and we want to ensure that all of those years for us and our descendants are as good as possible. Since we obviously have something at stake here, we should have a voice, especially since the next few years are really important to control climate change. Thus, young people pay attention to the issues that are important because we need to.
Then we have the fact that young people nowadays have more exposure to news and politics than previous generations.
Legislative Considerations
Most Aye the news media outlets around the country and across the political spectrum from The Young Turks to Breitbart have a social media presence, not just ones like Twitter but on platforms more dominated by a younger audience such as Instagram. This means that political information is more accessible than previously when it was relegated mostly to Radio and Newspapers. It is important that we The Voting Age In Voting our laws often, as the Constitution ages based on all of the circumstances that change. When the constitution was written, Slavery was legal, the only reading material most families owned was the Bible, and the life expectancy in developed countries hovered around That means what might have been pressing concerns then no longer carry the same weight now. And then we have one of the biggest double standards in politics. The same outrage over this standard for different reasons led to the passage of the 26th Amendment of Ags Constitution in This was because the U.
Back then, the voting age was 21, but people being sent to their deaths by the Government caused the age requirement to change.

Anyone who pays taxes and can be sent to a prison full of adult gang members should be able to have a say in the people that decide the laws that cause that.]
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