The Use Of Control And Its Effects -

The Use Of Control And Its Effects

All logical: The Use Of Control And Its Effects

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The Use Of Control And Its Effects

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There's no way around it; smoking is bad for your health. It harms nearly every organ of the body, some that you would not expect. Cigarette smoking causes nearly one in five deaths in the United States. It can also cause many other cancers and health problems.

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These include. Women who smoke while pregnant have a greater chance of certain pregnancy problems. Their babies are also at higher risk of dying of sudden infant death syndrome SIDS. Smoking also causes addiction to nicotine, a stimulant drug that is in tobacco.

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Nicotine addiction makes it much harder for people to quit smoking. Your smoke is also bad for other people - they breathe in your smoke secondhand and can get many of the same problems as smokers do.

The Use Of Control And Its Effects

This includes heart disease and lung cancer. Children exposed to secondhand smoke have a higher risk of ear infectionscolds, and more severe asthma. Mothers who breathe secondhand smoke while pregnant are more likely to have preterm labor and babies with low birth weight.

The Use Of Control And Its Effects

Besides cigarettes, there are several other forms of tobacco. Some people smoke tobacco in cigars and water pipes hookahs. These forms of tobacco also contain harmful chemicals and nicotine. Some cigars contain as much Or as an entire pack of cigarettes.

E-cigarettes often look like cigarettes, but they work differently.]

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