The Time Traveler s Wife -

The Time Traveler s Wife

The Time Traveler s Wife Video

Love Will Tear Us Apart The Time Traveler s Wife.

Movies / TV

It is a love story about Henry, a man, with a genetic disorder that causes him to time travel unpredictably, and about Clare, his wife, an The Time Traveler s Wife, who has to cope with his frequent read more and dangerous experiences of reappearing in odd places. Niffenegger, who was frustrated in love when she began the novel, wrote the story as a metaphor for her failed relationships.

The tale's central relationship came to Niffenegger suddenly and subsequently supplied the novel's title. The novel, which has been classified as both science fiction and romanceexamines the themes of love, loss, and free will. In particular, the novel uses time travel to explore miscommunication and distance in relationships, while also investigating deeper existential questions.

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The book became a bestseller after an endorsement from author and family friend Scott Turow on The Today Show. As of Marchthe novel has sold nearly 2.

The Time Traveler s Wife

Many reviewers were impressed with Niffenegger's unique perspectives on time travel. Some praised her characterization of the Tie, applauding their emotional depth; while others criticized her writing style as melodramatic and the plot as emotionally trite. Using alternating first-person perspectivesthe novel tells the stories of Henry DeTamble borna librarian at the Newberry Library in Chicagoand his wife, Clare Anne Abshire bornan artist who click here paper sculptures.

Henry has a rare genetic disorder, The Time Traveler s Wife later comes to be known as Chrono-Impairment. This disorder causes Henry to involuntarily travel through time. When year-old Clare meets year-old Henry at the Newberry Library in at the beginning of the novel, he has never seen her before, although she has known him most of her life.

The Time Traveler s Wife

Henry begins time traveling at the age of five, jumping forward and backward relative to his own timeline. When he vanishes, where he goes, and how long his trips will last are beyond his control. However, his destinations are tied to his subconscious—he most often travels to places and times related to his own history.]

The Time Traveler s Wife

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