The Social Acceptance of Teen Pregnancy -

The Social Acceptance of Teen Pregnancy Video

Overcoming Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty - Earvean Diggs - TEDxMuskegon The Social Acceptance of Teen Pregnancy

The Social Acceptance of Teen Pregnancy - nice answer

To prepare for your Final Paper due in Week Five , complete the following assignment and submit it to your instructor for feedback. What constitutes quality, academic research? The overview of your Final Paper must be two to three double-spaced pages in length not including the title page and reference page and formatted according to the APA style guide. You must use a minimum of three scholarly sources at least one of which must be found in the Ashford University Library other than the textbook to support your claims and subclaims. Cite your sources in the text of your paper and on the reference page. Papers should also present a clearly reasoned alternative that is supported by scholarly research. The Social Acceptance of Teen Pregnancy

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Our society claims to be modern and following the western culture. But, are we able to change our thought process accordingly or are we still facing doubts on whether to accept certain issues or not. One such issue that I am going to talk about today Socizl Teenage Pregnancy. Let us have a look at the aspects of this problem and the main problems faced by a teenager in such a situation and the solutions to them.

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Teenage pregnancy is pregnancy attained between puberty and the age of There are various reasons and causes for teenage pregnancy, such as:. Child marriage: No matter how modern our country becomes, there are social evils like child marriage which need to be curbed in order to curb teenage pregnancy and the ruining of the lives of millions of adolescent girls. High risk behavior such as smoking, alcohol and substance abuse can be one of the main reasons. Stress and depression often leads to a situation in which a child might fall into the pit of unprotected sex and can be pregnant. Financial constraints in poor families often lead to adolescents taking steps which are bound to affect their lives in a negative manner.

The Social Acceptance of Teen Pregnancy

Nowadays, instances of teenagers indulging in sexual activities are quite normal. In the absence of adequate contraceptive the female can become pregnant. This is quite common in teenagers as they do not use Acceptancd measures. A study on about girl students proved that most of the sexually active girls worry about contraceptive only after 6 months of sexual activity.

The Social Acceptance of Teen Pregnancy

It is not wrong to say that sexually active teenagers often end up in situations in which they forget to use contraceptives. The important thing for any teenager is to have proper knowledge and understanding of their body and its functions before they become sexually active. They experience isolation, guilt accompanied by stress and depression, low self esteem, lack of interest in studies, limited job prospects, and lack of support group or friends, mental and emotional trauma.

The Social Acceptance of Teen Pregnancy

In such a situation even the parents and friends find it hard to help the female. Friends often want to help, but due to the social stigma, do not come forward. In such a situation the teenager is Pregnzncy in isolation and the post effects of this can be prolonged and depressing. Delaying sexual intercourse.

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Parents and schools should have open talks with teenagers regarding sex and related issues. Sex education forms an important part of the above process. Proper contraceptive counseling should be done and the teenagers should have full information about contraceptive options such as birth control pills, condoms, etc.]

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