The Protestant Reformation And The Reformation Video
Martin Luther, the Reformation and the nation - DW Documentary The Protestant Reformation And The Reformation.The status of Women in the Protestant Reformation was deeply influenced by Bible study, as the Reformation promoted literacy and Bible study in order to study Gods will in what a society should look like. This influenced women's lives in both positive negative ways, depending in what scripture and passages of the Bible was studied and promoted.
Early Life
The ideal of Bible study for commoners improved women's literacy and education, and many women became known for their interest and involvement in public debate during the Reformation. In parallel, however, their voices were often supressed because of the edict of the Bible that women were to be silent. The abolition of the female convents resulted in the role of wife and mother becoming the only remaining ideal for a woman. The Reformation promoted literacy and Refirmation study of the Bible in vernacular language in order to study how society should look like in the eyes of God.
Commoners and not only clergy were now encouraged to study the Bible, which in turned encouraged literacy.
Literacy Bible study were, to varyring degree, encouraged for women as well, for them to be a biblical influence for children and their husband.
Schooling for girls and literacy for women consequently and gradually became more common. For example, the Swedish Church Ordinance of mandated the education of girls along with the boys. In some cases, it benefitted women, when they found passages suggesting women were equal to men in the presence of God.
In other cases it did the oposite, when misogynic passages of Refor,ation Bible were emphatised.
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The women's ideal promoted during the Reformation was the women were to be silent and obedient wives and mothers, devoted to household tasks and childcare. The purpose of women's education was the development of an accepted concept of marriage and training in domestic skills. Women were taught how to look after children, care for their homes, make clothing for her family, and tend livestock. The Reformation abolished the The Protestant Reformation And The Reformation for priests, monks and nuns and promoted marriage as the ideal state for both men and women.
While men still had the opportunity to become clergymen, women could no longer become nuns, and marriage came to be seen as the only proper role for a woman. Consequently, marriage was idealized, and the role of women within marriage was studied within the context of Bible studies.

The Biblical role of a wife was regarded to be that of a companion to her husband, but she was always his subordinate. In some cases, the reformation resulted in males comitting bigamy, as polygamy for men were tolerated in the Bible. Elisabeth Proteetant Hesse exposed the secret bigamy of her brother Philip.]