The Preschooler And Understanding Their Anger -

The Preschooler And Understanding Their Anger

The Preschooler And Understanding Their Anger Video

An Explosive Child Learns How to Cope with Anger - The Oprah Winfrey Show - Oprah Winfrey Network The Preschooler And Understanding Their Anger

ADHD child gets a tendency to be hyper activeness and impulsive, but along with that, they have anger issues as well. I too have come across many situations where it became hard to handle the outburst of anger of my ADHD son. He is beyond my control when he gets angry.

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He cries aloud and even shouts as well. Do you want to know more about us? For this behavior, I have faced lots of criticism from my neighbors. People overlook everything for their leisure.

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Nobody will accept it if almost every time they will get disturbed. Almost every single day, Shlok shows up his anger for no reason.

The Preschooler And Understanding Their Anger

His anger was creating lots of toxicity inside the house. Because when Shlok gets angry, his father also hesitates to come in front of him.

The Preschooler And Understanding Their Anger

And after that, it was only me who has to face those terrible scenes. We started his Occupational therapy when he was of 4 years of age.

“7 Proven technique to Understand and Control ADHD Anger.”

Practicing with those techniques, now The Preschooler And Understanding Their Anger is controlling his rage and when Prescholer he loses it, I am much capable now to handle the situation. And the funniest thing is that still, his father is in the same stage, till now after so many years, he runs away when Shlok come up with his angry outburst. Then, I spotted one of my best skills. It not only my skill, but I guess this is an inherent talent of all mothers. Every time I keep on looking at him, even though if I am busy with household chores, my eyes were always monitoring all his movements. It was like I have fitted my mind camera around Shlok. When I am having my shower, with a slight sound, I can identify the mess by him.]

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