The New England Colonies And Southern Colonies -

The New England Colonies And Southern Colonies Video

The New England Colonies The New England Colonies And Southern Colonies

The New England and Southern colonies were the territories occupied by English pilgrims during the Soutjern and seventeenth centuries. These early pilgrims and pioneers came over from England and set up farms and communities in several areas on the east coast of North America. Although they were occupying similar areas geographically the colonies had several differences due to the political leanings of their citizens and the agricultural contributions made to developing the colonies. This area became known as Colonial America.

What is Southern Territories?

New England occupied the northern area of the three sets of colonies known as Colonial America. It was closer geographically to Canada and the cooler regions of the coast. The soil was poor and sandy. The colonies were democratic in their governance, but there was a strong religious influence and the church had a say in the governing of the colonies in New England. This is known as a Theocracy. The New England colonies supported one another to build a single class system, a middle class society. Equality and hard work was an important factor in their development. The Southern territories were the southern part of what was known as Colonial America.

The Southern Territories were also pioneered by British stock, but their agricultural and cultural development followed a different path.

What is New England Colonies?

The Southern Territories were supported by wealthy plantation owners. Slave trade was encouraged and enabled the plantation owners to run the large plantations economically. The tobacco industry made the land owners very rich and powerful. These groups were followed by poor white folk and the slaves used on the plantations. It was an oligarchy society, meaning a few powerful wealthy plantation owners controlled the government.]

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