The First Seminole War -

The First Seminole War Video

Lectures in History: Creek Indians \u0026 the First Seminole War The First Seminole War

The First Seminole War - can

American victory [3]. The fighting occurred between about and , with two periods of uneasy truce between active conflict. Both in human and monetary terms, the Seminole Wars were the longest and most expensive of the Indian Wars in United States history. The original indigenous peoples of Florida declined significantly in number after the arrival of European explorers in the early s, mainly because the Native Americans had little resistance to diseases newly introduced from Europe. Spanish suppression of native revolts further reduced the population in northern Florida until the early s, at which time the establishment of a series of Spanish missions improved relations and stabilized the population. Raids from the newly-established English Province of Carolina beginning in the mids began another steep decline in the indigenous population. By , Carolinan raiders and their Yamasee Indian allies had killed, carried off, or driven away most of the remaining native inhabitants during a series of raids across the Florida panhandle and down the full length of the peninsula. In the first decade of the 18th century. The Spanish missions all closed, as without natives, there was nothing for them to do. The few remaining natives fled west to Pensacola and beyond or east to the vicinity of St. The First Seminole War The First Seminole War

The Cherokee Delegation to the Seminole in was a diplomatic mission here prevent the massacre of a kindred warrior people whom the United States government viewed as defiant terrorists. Furthermore, it was an attempt to create stronger ties with the U. During this period the Cherokee Nation was fighting against removal to Indian Territory. Meanwhile, in Florida, the U. The U. Although the Cherokee Nation engaged in the effort in good faith, the incompetence and deceit of the U. The Seminole leaders were imprisoned under a flag of truce, resulting in the Seminole retreating further into the swamps. Once the U. Government forces pursued the Seminole with the intention of forcible removal, now called the Second Seminole War. While the war raged on, Major General Thomas S.

Jesup submitted a proposal to Secretary of War Joel R. Poinsett on June 15, While General Jesup The First Seminole War to defeat the Seminole, others in Washington were trying to find a peaceful resolution.

The First Seminole War

On 8 July John H. Sherburne wrote a confidential letter to Principal Chief John Ross of the Cherokee Nation revealing a private meeting he had had with Secretary Poinsett. The hope was that he could persuade the Seminole to end the conflict without making the U. After much deliberation and reflection, Chief Ross wrote to Sherburne saying that although he could not personally travel to Florida to deliberate with the Seminole, he had decided to send a delegation of influential men in his place.

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here To keep the Seminole from being annihilated, he agreed to help the U. Richard Fields wrote to Chief Ross relaying that he received communication from Secretary Figst that contained instructions for General Jesup to allow the delegation safe passage through Florida. He stated his wish that the Seminole and the U. He believed the government would do its best to bring about a peaceful solution to the war.

The First Seminole War

It was in this hope that he penned the Talk to the Seminole. Chief Ross was, however, concerned about the actions the U. He feared the government would renege on its arrangement with the Cherokee Delegation and prevent the deputation from completing its task.


Although Ross had many conversations with Secretary Poinsett, he was still worried about the deputation. In a letter on 20 October to the delegation, he expressed his concerns, saying that success was solely dependent on Ths from the military. He reminded the delegation that under no circumstances should they take over the proceedings, but that the U. Chief Black Hawk mentioned that the government asked him to send warriors to fight the Seminole.]

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