The Effects Of Music And Music Therapy - are
There are many positive aspects to music and huge benefits that can accrue from its study. Tinnitus is a buzzing in the ears that ranges from slight to severe. She never wants to go back! Effects of music therapy and guided visual imagery on chemotherapy-induced anxiety and nausea-vomiting S Karagozoglu and others Journal of Clinical Nursing, Another downside to music as therapy is that music triggers memories, and these memories might not be as good or as pleasant as you would like them to be. Blood pressure: listening to the right music can even help lower your blood pressure to more manageable levels; this is not to imply that music is the solution to everything but it does have a beneficial and becalming effect on your brain. Causes hearing damage; Today, most teens and adults use earphones and headsets as a source to listen to the music. In this study, we explored the impact of group music therapy on levels of self-reported negative affect among men … excellent job. The prevalence of dementia increases dramatically with age 2 and the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia contribute significantly to a decreased sense of well-bein… Music has also been known to cause epileptic seizures, often resulting in psychiatric complications. The Effects Of Music And Music Therapy.![[BKEYWORD-0-3] The Effects Of Music And Music Therapy](
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The Impact of Music TherapyType of paper: Research Proposal.
Research objectives:
Any type Or paper on any subject custom-written for you by the professionals. The object is to investigate the effects The Effects Of Music And Music Therapy music therapy as an aid to increase quality of life in elderly patients with dementia bound in prisons as compared to those receiving standard Og in prisons and in patients living with families and receiving music therapy. This is a two-dimensional research: comparing effects of music and standard therapy in imprisoned patients and also comparing effects of this therapy on prisoners and non-prisoners.
This raises a question: do imprison dementia patients show a better response to music therapy than the rest? Dementia is very common in elderly, and the prisons mostly have aged people who have committed crimes due to unemployment, drug abuse or rational temperament. Whatever the cause for dementia is, it has been studied that some form of music therapy has positive outcomes in improving life of these patients Smith and Lipe, ; Aldridge, ; Kneafsey, ; Pacchetti et al.
It is believed that music evokes emotions, and these emotions bring back memory Oliver Sacks.
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There are researches on effect of music therapy on dementia and separately on dementia patients in prisons but there has been no effort to apply this therapy on imprisoned patients who are expected to give more positive response than the ones living with families. The aim of this research is to apply this treatment to patients sentenced to life-time or short-time imprisonment as they are not only suffering from mental ill-health bur are also subjected to seclusion from society which has devastating effect on their psyche. This research is based on two grounds. Firstly, The Effects Of Music And Music Therapy of music therapy in dementia patients living outside prison are assessed. Secondly, half of the individuals in prison with dementia were provided with standard rehabilitation therapy, and half were given standard rehabilitation therapy along with music therapy.
Assessment of therapy in patients was recorded by self-evaluation from patients, family rating of behavior and therapist rating of mood response to therapy.

Face to face questions and assessment are made before and after music therapy by therapist and they can instruct the family members and prison staff to record video of the behavior of patients an hour before and after music therapy. The results are then evaluated. A mini-mental state examination MMSE is done to assess the degree of mental state like short and long term The Effects Of Music And Music Therapy, attention span, concentration and language and communication skills. A blood test is done to make sure that other factors thyroid hormones or vitamin B12 levels are not responsible for this condition.
A specific popular music of that country is selected Muslc all the patients. The questions concern about the long term and short term memory, communication skills, participation in activities and sleep and appetite patterns of the patients an hour before listening music and at a time after therapy.
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In first month, prisons are surveyed for dementia patients, and the record is taken from hospitals about dementia patients living with families. Consent is link from families to carry out research. In next month, MMSE and blood tests are carried out. In third month, the research is conducted and three treatments per week were given for a month. A significant improvement is expected in the quality of life of dementia patients.
effects of using music therapy for patients suffering from dementia
An improvement in mood, interactive skills, memory and interest in life is seen from the assessment of family members and video records of activities. The results for prisoned patients receiving music therapy showed greater improvement to those receiving standard therapy.

Moreover, a slightly better improvement is expected from patients in prison, and those outside as a gloomier and secluded life in prison is an important factor to affect memory and cognitive functions of the brain. Journal of Ashida, S. Fazel, S.
Dementia in prison: Ethical and legal implications. Journal of Effectx Ethics, 28, Lipe, A. Music Therapy Perspectives, Maschi, T. Forget Me Not: Dementia in Prison.]
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