The Different Development Stages -

Think, that: The Different Development Stages

The Different Development Stages 160
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The Different Development Stages

The Different Development Stages - idea

Throughout this course, you will be writing reaction papers about assigned articles. The articles will supplement the textbook and lecture material and provide you with experience reading published papers. Reaction papers do not review or summarize the article. Rather, you will give a reaction to the reading. Reaction papers can be fun to write I know, but stick with me here. There are different approaches to reaction papers, and you can vary yours for each paper. What will remain consistent is that you will think critically about the information and respond with a thoughtful response. Here are some possible approaches to reaction papers, but there are others.

Children change rapidly as they grow. Many of these changes are physical. Other changes are cognitive, which means the changes affect the way children think and learn.

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Child development often occurs in stages, with the majority of children hitting specific developmental landmarks Developmeng the time they reach a certain age. What are the 5 stages of child development? Read on to find out. Scholars have different opinions on the exact number of stages of development children go through on their way to becoming adults. Other scholars describe six stages of child development that include newborns, infants, toddlers, preschool, school age, and adolescents.

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go here Failing to reach some of the milestones may signal a developmental disability. Because of screening techniques child development specialists use, most people with developmental disabilities receive a diagnosis by the time they reach adolescence.

With this in mind, child development may be discussed in terms of five stages. During the first month of life, newborns exhibit automatic responses to external stimuli. In other words, a newborn will turn her head toward your hand when you stroke her cheek or grab your finger when you place it in her hand. A newborn is able to see close-up objects, recognize certain smells, smile or cry to indicate a need, and move her head Diffwrent side The Different Development Stages side.


Newborns may show signs developmental disabilities, such as spina bifida, genetic disorders and fetal alcohol syndrome. Infants develop new abilities quickly in the first year of life. At three to six months, an infant can control his head movements and bring his hands together.

The Different Development Stages

By six to nine months old, an infant can sit without support, babble and respond to his name. Between nine and twelve months old, a baby can pick up objects, crawl and even stand with support.

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As children reach the ages between one and three years, toddlers learn to walk without help, climb stairs and jump in place. They can hold a crayon, draw a circle, stack one block on top of another, use short sentences and even follow simple instructions.

The Different Development Stages

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC recommends screening for autism at 18 to 24 months, or whenever a parent or health care professional has a concern. Between the ages of three and five years, children refine their motor skills.

The Different Development Stages

They can throw a ball overhand, skip and hop, stand on one foot for ten seconds Develkpment longer, dress themselves, and draw a person with features. Signs of developmental disabilities, such as cerebral palsy, may appear during this stage of development. School age children are six to 12 years old.]

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