The Connection between President Obama and a -

The Connection between President Obama and a - new day

Any updated information can be found at the end of the column. Shokin was facing steep criticism in Ukraine, and among some U. Although Biden made no mention of his son in his speech, U. They noted that:. The most prominent of the Burisma cases was transferred to a different Ukrainian agency, closely aligned with the U. NABU closed that case, and a second case involving alleged improper money transfers in London was dropped when Ukrainian officials failed to file the necessary documents by the required deadline. He did not say who was the actual defendant in that case. As a result, the Biden family appeared to have escaped the potential for an embarrassing inquiry overseas in the final days of the Obama administration and during an election in which Democrat Hillary Clinton Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton What I learned in 19 weeks of working with progressive Democrats Poll: Biden notches higher approval rating in Texas than Gov.

The Connection between President Obama and a Video

The Connection between President Obama and a - express

On March 4, , Donald Trump wrote a series of posts on his Twitter account that accused former President Barack Obama of wiretapping his phones at his Trump Tower office late in the presidential campaign. Trump called for a congressional investigation into the matter, and the Trump administration cited news reports to defend these accusations. His initial claims were based on an article on Breitbart News , which cited speculations made by conspiracy theorist Louise Mensch. Representative Devin Nunes , the then-chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence , said he would investigate the claim. Nunes stated on March 23 that the Trump administration's communications might have been legally monitored during the transition period as part of an " incidental collection ". The DOJ declared in a September 1, court filing that "both the FBI and NSD confirm that they have no records related to wiretaps as described by the March 4, tweets", [3] [4] and confirmed this in another court filing of October 19, The Connection between President Obama and a. The Connection between President Obama and a

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The Connection between President Obama and a

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The Connection between President Obama and a

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