The British Empire and Colonization -

The British Empire and Colonization

The British Empire and Colonization Video

Imperialism: Crash Course World History #35 The British Empire and Colonization.

History of Empire and Colonialism

The British Empire and Colonialism historic Britisn starts with century exploration. Use the timeline to chart the course of British expansion, entwined with the history of overseas trade routes. Use the map to discover the extent of British imperial growth.

The timeline will help set the context of this complex historical theme. British Empire and Colonialism Timeline.

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The colonial period started in the 16th century and is a very important Colonizatioh of modern British history. The Empire began chiefly for the purposes of trade and gradually evolved into a complex web in which new nations were eventually projected out into an independent existence, by the actions of the old nations. Within a global concept, the British Empire represented a large proportion of European expansion but at what point in history did the Empire turn into the Commonwealth and why does it endure?

The British Empire and Colonization

In different parts of the world 'Empire' took on a very different meaning and although it is not possible to disinherit the past there must surely be Britosh times, looking back on the British Empire and colonialism, when it would be very nice to be able to do so. This is an evolving theme that will grow over time. It is easy to use and search, with links and entries being frequently added and updated.

The British Empire and Colonization

A Britisu to use with our interactive maps and take your own voyage across the history of the British Empire. We have connections and responsibilities in parts of the world that might otherwise be strangers to. Britain is part of The Commonwealth, Queen Elizabeth II is head of the Commonwealth and is recognised by the members of the Commonwealth of Nations as the "symbol of their free association".

It is an important part of Britain and as a nation the responsibility towards the Commonwealth is taken very seriously.

The British Empire and Colonization

We are a nation of migrants and all the richer for it. As long as we face our history we should be brave enough not to deny it and in this theme we hope we can show some of the less known aspects to colonialism that have shaped our past. Take a look at some of our other themes, migration and Business and Occupationsthat Empkre with Empire and Colonialism.]

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