Sustainable Development And Sustainable Development -

Sustainable Development And Sustainable Development Video

1.4 Sustainability and sustainable development Sustainable Development And Sustainable Development.

At a time when digital technologies are transforming and disrupting industries, economies and broadly speaking societies, the concept of sustainable development becomes all the more relevant.

Sustainable Development And Sustainable Development

As enablers, technologies such as the Internet, artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing can help us bridge divides between developed and developing countries, tackle global challenges such as poverty, hunger, and climate change, to name a few, and accelerate human well-being. That said, digital transformation also increases inequalities and disrupts social cohesion. To illustrate, the Sustainable Development Goals Report shows a disparity between countries with access to the Internet given that over 80 percent of the population in developed countries is online in comparison to the 45 and 20 percent in the developing and least developing countries. It is, therefore, the responsibility of each Develolment every one of us to mitigate and minimise the adverse effects of technology and ensure that it is the driving force behind sustainable development.

An important question that is increasingly being addressed by Sustainaable, regional as well as state and non-state actors Sustainable Development And Sustainable Development how digital technologies can fundamentally help us realise the sustainable development goals SDGs?

Sustainable Development And Sustainable Development

Other initiatives have also emerged in the past. It also highlighted the need to act proactively in order to address the gender digital divides.

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The Developmeent supports the SDGs through sharing of information, best practices and policy experience between multistakeholder actors, namely governments, scientific and research communities, the private sector, civil society Sustainable Development And Sustainable Development other stakeholders in the field of science, technology and innovation.

The TFM consists of the following components:. As a phenomenon that exists at different levels i. A series of studies have been conducted so far on the relationship between digital technology and sustainable development. That said, some SDGs are more digitally-oriented that the others. The report goes on to emphasise that even slight technological improvements could result in better performance of the previously mentioned SDGs.

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This however does not mean that digital transformation does not have a role to play in the realisation of the remaining SDGs. In fact, digital technologies such as smartphones, the Internet, AI, IoT, cloud computing, and data, to name a few all can contribute to the realisation of the SDGs. Global, regional and local solutions such as e-banking and e-money can increase access to financial services in particular in rural areas, whereas Source and machine learning can improve energy efficiency and reduce electricity costs.

The mapping below illustrates how digital technologies can facilitate the successful implementation of the SDGs. Sustainable development, including in the digital field, can best be achieved if actors work together and contribute their experience, expertise and resources to realising the common goals. The mapping also includes Sustainable Development And Sustainable Development examples of successful local measures which support the realisation of the SDGs. Other local project such as the e-Rezeki and the eUsahawan launched by the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation promote SDG 1 No Poverty by helping individuals acquire digital skills and find work online.

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Data as the new currency for innovation is also regarded Sustainable Development And Sustainable Development an asset for SDGs. In fact, target This target should Sjstainable as no surprise given that nowadays data is abundant - it is expected that zettabytes of new data will be created by in comparison to 33 zettabytes in Qualitative and quantitative data can help monitor progress i. Nonetheless, the absence of reliable, accessible, and up-to-date data remains a challenge, in particular, for developing countries. Oftentimes, the Sustainabe of capacity, appropriate resources, security and environmental conditions makes sustainable development data collection and analysis problematic. In order to address this difficulty,the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data Data4SDGs was established on the basis of a recommendation made by the Independent Expert Advisory Group on a Data Revolution for Sustainable Development IEAG which seeks to engage stakeholders - including governments, international organisations, civil society and academia to cooperate on data production and use.

In her role, she conducts research on sustainable development, B Training Manual F rights, artificial intelligence as well as other digital policy related topics. Ms Noha Fathy is an independent Internet governance consultant. Her professional and educational backgrounds are orientated towards development areas with a Sustainable Development And Sustainable Development focus on human development, governance, and public policies. Telecoms infrastructure. Critical Internet resources. Digital standards. Artificial intelligence.]

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