Strengths And Limitations Of Qualitative Research -

Strengths And Limitations Of Qualitative Research Strengths And Limitations Of Qualitative Research.

Her method is centered on Ethnographic Participant Observation 1. The study was conducted on a Northeastern casino 10 for 90 hours that was accumulated through 30 visits between October and March 9. Cotte presented eight cells which tells the reason in a form of conversation between her i. It could be significantly noted that Cotte have made various explanations linking the results of the observation and or interview to her The Short Life Francis Macomber Essay literature; and it appears that those explanations are only liked to the situations wherein there is an emphasis on the hedonistic drive The author explained that the feeling of excitement, rush, the unknown etc are the primary reasons why people keep on coming back to the casino and even bringing their families with them to gamble as well However, the paper would like to assert that although the first few cells are significantly linked on the theories that the author used, the last three cells were explained by the author in such an abrupt manner Strngths she suddenly inserts a theory that in no way was she was able to elaborate on her literature review 19, Strengths And Limitations Of Qualitative Research virtue of its philosophical roots, the Utilitarian theory was introduced by JS Mill and is commonly known of having this maxim: the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people.

The paper acknowledges however that linguistics of course allows convention to give a different meaning to a particular word. However, if this is the case, the author should have at least provided an operational definition on her review of related literature. Her data gathering method was done primarily through unstructured interviews Bailey, and observation Qulaitative, The paper has Reswarch main criticisms: 1 Unstructured interviews are relatively prone to bias Bailey, The unstructured interview wherein the interviewer has the advantages of probing her subjects more has a high degree of possibility to be interpreted in a different manner than what the subjects really intend it to be Holloway by quoting Spradley on her book explained that it is necessary that all of these field notes should be done by any researcher who Limitationa use the Ethnographic method.

However, the paper also recognizes the Strengths And Limitations Of Qualitative Research of the unstructured research. It is also noted by Bailey that most cases reveal that unstructured interviews have the capability of eliciting more favorable responses from its subjects.

Strengths And Limitations Of Qualitative Research

The fact that the interview is more informal in its setting and is generally friendly, most researchers are able to get the innermost feelings of their subjects that the subjects on the other hand might not consciously realize that they possess. Similarly, the descriptive ethnography method Holloway, is capable of presenting an account of a particular behavior on a specific area or industry.

Expert's Answer

Similar on the case of the recreational gamblers in the northeast, the author was able to present what type of recreational gamblers those people are going in that casino. Subjects of the Study The subjects of the study are randomly chosen. As evident on the research conducted, the author claims that most of the data gathered are from abrupt conversations, overheard conversations and observations.

Hence, the paper claims that there is no way that Limitagions author could further verify if the same emotions or motives still apply after that particular day or the days after that particular study. Literature Cited Holloway, I. London: Routledge. Bailey K. Methods of Social Research. New York: The Free Press.

Strengths And Limitations Of Qualitative Research

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