Should Torture Be Allowed or Not -

Should Torture Be Allowed or Not

Should Torture Be Allowed or Not - happiness

Torture and the United States includes documented and alleged cases of torture both inside and outside the United States by members of the government , the military , law enforcement agencies , intelligence agencies , health care services , and other public organizations. While the term "torture" is defined in numerous places, including dictionaries and encyclopedias of various nations or cultures , this article addresses only those practices qualifying as torture under the definition of that term articulated in the codified primarily statutory law and case law of the United States. Torture is illegal and punishable within U. Prosecution of abuse occurring on foreign soil, outside of usual U. It is debated as to whether or not torture as a punishment falls under the cruel and unusual punishment clause of the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The text of the Amendment states that:. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. The U. Supreme Court has held since at least the s that punishments which involved torture are forbidden under the Eighth Amendment. An act of torture committed outside the United States by a U.

Seems: Should Torture Be Allowed or Not

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Should Torture Be Allowed or Not

Torture has been shown to be ineffective. The theory also links torture to other forms of state violence. Strapping someone to a wall for a week and depriving them of sleep is torture and I would imagine largely ineffective in gathering intelligence. Georgians turned out in record numbers for runoff elections on Tuesday, casting more than 4 million votes. Last: 7yr. Torture is shown or said to be ineffective.

Should Torture Be Allowed or Not

It is ultimately self-defeating as a means of control, and so one wonders why it is still practiced. Makes you sound like a sensitive guy when you're trying to pick up women. Interrogation Torgure that respect human rights have a proven track record of success at getting information out of terrorism suspects.

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In the report, the Senate Select Intelligence Committee said that CIA torture practices failed in its objective of yielding solid intelligence, and that the agency did not adequately inform the public … According to a recent study, when torture is used to elicit information, it is likely to Tprture unexpectedly harsh yet ineffective.

By Gianluca Mezzofiore. But just as often, and perhaps more often, it will produce inaccurate information.

Should Torture Be Allowed or Not

Torture involves deliberately inflicting physical or mental pain on a person without legal hSould. Torture gives bad results, at least based on prior experience and research. We know this from our own work; our clients tell us they said anything they thought the torturers wanted to hear—just to stop source torment and pain. They should do so because it is cruel and inhumane to abuse someone in custody. Torture is ineffective.

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No one in their right mind would recommend torture if proven patently ineffective… Last: 10yr. Zach F. The Bush Administration was less candid than … I don't know of any drugs that could be used but I never researched it. The most common argument in favor of torture is that it saves lives. How is it ineffective? The moral and instrumental dimensions of torture are intertwined. CIA report: Why torture is ineffective with ideologically-motivated terrorists. Your source for the latest research news.]

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