Research Based Interventions Paper -

Research Based Interventions Paper - congratulate

Intervention Support Plan This assignment is the fourth component of your course project. In Unit 5, you uncovered a wide range of scholarly works necessary for developing a strategic approach that entails multiple principles and tactics for changing behavior. In this project component, you will create an intervention support plan for the behavior change of the subjects in your case study. As stated in the course project information, if your chosen case study or real-life scenario has more than one behavior of interest, you must prioritize them for intervention. For this assignment, you will be assessed on your understanding of the following course competencies:. Recommend intervention goals based on client preferences, supporting environments, risks, constraints, and social validity. Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology. How to Organize Your Paper Use the following subheadings formatted in current APA style to label the three main sections of your paper: Intervention Support Plan Apply behavioral assessment methods for the consideration and selection of intervention outcomes and strategies for the target behavior in your case study. Research Based Interventions Paper. Research Based Interventions Paper

Social determinants of health SDoH is a relatively new term in health care. The social determinants of health also determine access and quality of medical care—sometimes referred to as medical social determinants of health see Figure 1 for the County Health Rankings model of factors shaping health.

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Future opportunities may exist in genetics and biological Interveentions however, whether modifying these will be as feasible as modifying the social determinants Research Based Interventions Paper health is unknown. First, they realize that this is not their domain of expertise Intervetnions current accountability. Second, some are worried that health care systems already have enough to address and should not play a role in efforts to mitigate or improve the SDoH. Third, they express concern about the limited evidence of effectiveness of interventions by health care on the SDoH [2].

There is a viewpoint, however, for health care to find its role in population health [3], and some providers believe there Researchh enough science to support integration of SDoH into health care and are pursuing evidence-informed interventions with community partners [4,5]. Medical care is estimated to account for only percent of the modifiable contributors to healthy outcomes for a population [7]. The other 80 to 90 percent are sometimes broadly called the SDoH: health-related behaviors, socioeconomic factors, and environmental factors. Although we as a country spend a higher percentage of our Reseatch domestic product on medical care expenditures than other developed countries, it is more difficult to compare spending on the SDoH. We do know that many developed countries proportionately spend more on social services than the United States [8]. Although social services do not correspond directly to the SDoH, this comparison gives one view of proportional expenditures in our country.

Corollary: Despite our significant spending, our outcomes are among the lowest Research Based Interventions Paper developed countries, including significant inequities [9]. For health care, the hope is that addressing the more upstream social determinants will improve health outcomes, reduce inequities, and lower costs. For example, tobacco is a leading determinant of many health outcomes e. Corollary: Community partnerships that go here medical interventions and PSE changes produce a more comprehensive approach to behavior change. For example, walking prescriptions for patients can be complemented by community changes to increase availability of safe walking spaces. For example, measures of cardiac care are ideally outcome measures e.

However, process measures continue to be important for quality improvement and for some payment

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New summary measures for population health and well-being for use by health plans and accountable care organizations have been proposed [11,12], and frameworks for rewarding health outcomes are being developed. One framework includes community-driven and individual data for use in primary care, recognizing that there are still questions about the effect on outcomes [13]. The framework, however, does not include how the data might be used with community partnerships to expand the effect of collecting the data. Screening tools Rexearch been developed, e.

Research Based Interventions Paper

Models are emerging for how to follow up screening data, e. The incentive, training, and privacy barriers for feasibility of incorporating SDoH into EHRs have been discussed [18]. Interestingly, electronic screening produced higher rates of self-disclosure of some sensitive determinants violence and substance abuse than in-person screening [15]. Most recently, the feasibility, Basrd, and validity of the IOM-recommended domains except for income were evaluated, and clinical trials were recommended [19, 20].

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Corollary: Integrating the SDoH into health care should not fall primarily on primary care clinicians. These leadership actions allow front-line clinicians to be natural champions for the SDoH within the organization and the community without being responsible for all the necessary components of a systems approach. State innovation models are exploring connections among health care, social services, and go here SDoH Intervntions. ACOs are responding to nonmedical needs of patients such as transportation, housing, and food with the assumption that outcomes and cost will improve [4]. These experiments will provide more evidence about effectiveness in achieving better outcomes, better experience, Research Based Interventions Paper lower costs.

Research Based Interventions Paper

Prioritization requires an assessment of readiness to address proven or testable interventions, and return on investment. Which patients are most ready for these interventions?

Research Based Interventions Paper

Which interventions will decrease per capita spending? From a community perspective, which SDoH are of most concern to community stakeholders, and which SDoH will have the Research Based Interventions Paper effect on total population health and well-being, health equity, and Baaed care expenditures? There is a danger that a medical approach to these nonmedical factors will lead to more health care versus more cost-effective and community-based interventions. As health care professionals, we need huge doses of humility and openness to authentically address SDoH and form or join community partnerships.]

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