Religion and Politics -

Religion and Politics

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America's History of Religion and Politics Religion and Politics.

God is dead. Or so thought Nietzsche.

Religion and Politics

For nearly a century and a half, one of the most firmly held beliefs in the social sciences was that religion and religious organizations inevitably would fade from social and perhaps even private life. Modernization, in the form of scientific progress and bureaucratic specialization, would cleanse society of superstition and the need to rely on churches for social welfare.

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New religious groups are emerging far more quickly than secularization theorists would predict, and established faiths e. Catholicism, Islam continually demonstrate link ability to win converts in many parts of the world. Even in communist and formerly communist countries, spiritual groups refuse to Religion and Politics and are making an impressive comeback after decades of government-sanctioned repression Greeley Unfortunately, most comparative political scientists and political scientists generally consider religion to be a peripheral subject matter, perhaps because most researchers in this field still cling subconsciously to the secularization thesis.

Religion and Politics

This is a serious oversight for two reasons. First, given the degree to which religious beliefs and organizations are deeply ingrained in almost every nation, ignoring religion means overlooking a potentially important variable in explaining politics. Observers of the Iranian Revolution were taken Religion and Politics surprise by the mobilizing potential of Islam in a nation seemingly moving through rapid modernization read secularization.

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Likewise, few expected the Catholic Church would be a key player in the demise of Polish communism. The electoral mobilization of Protestant minorities in Peru allowed Alberto Fujimori to win a surprise victory in anx first round of balloting in and eventually become president. And in countries such as Algeria, India, the Philippines, and Yugoslavia, religious motivations overlay political conflicts with violent ramifications. Without a doubt, religion continues Religion and Politics make its presence felt in the realm of politics across the globe.

The study of religion is also important for a second reason. The insights drawn from research on religious beliefs and organizations have a direct bearing on questions of major importance to comparative Religion and Politics scientists. The broad topics of collective action, institutional design and survival, and the connection between ideas and institutions come immediately to mind.

Religion and Politics

The mere that Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism continue to attract adherents after several millennia speaks volumes about the mobilizing power of these ideational movements. All these spiritual traditions have served as a locus for political mobilization in recent Religjon, indicating that they are far from becoming politically or socially obsolete.

Religion and Politics

Lessons about the institutional organization can be drawn as well. At times, the Religion and Politics even served as a quasi-governing institution for Europe when secular governments were weak or in short supply Ekelund et al What is even more amazing is that the Vatican commands the loyalty and obedience of hundreds of millions of geographically dispersed people without maintaining a standing army or police force. Understanding the mechanisms of this control and how such a governing hierarchy operates would be of intrinsic interest for political scientists.

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Yet, the literature on the rise and decline of states usually overlooks this interesting case. Granted, the Holy See does base its legitimacy more on theology than other governments base theirs on ideology. But this should be taken as an unparalleled opportunity for political scientists to explore the nexus between ideas and institutions. Although andd is still a marginal topic in comparative politics, the past two decades witnessed a renewed interest in the Religion and Politics of religion among a small but growing number of scholars.

The broad concepts employed e.]

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