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Since the election of Joe Biden to the presidency, it is clear that our democracy is at a turning point. The Biden White House has proceeded to do that at a rapid clip, with new appointments to federal posts and a stream of executive orders designed to restore faith in government. President Biden is fond of saying that our country is facing a series of grave crises—the coronavirus pandemic, climate change, systemic racism, and economic inequality—but perhaps the biggest issue he will have to confront is the political crisis caused by the failed attempt to overturn the results of the presidential election. American democracy is once again at a crossroads, as it was during the era of the Civil War and Reconstruction, the postwar period when the former Confederate states were readmitted to the Union. Like the secessionist slaveholders who would break the republic rather than accept the election of an antislavery president, Trump and his enablers tried to disrupt the electoral process rather than accept his decisive defeat in the election. It is not a coincidence that the Capitol Hill rioters carried the battle flag of the Confederacy. Both were quelled by the armed might of the federal government. The history of Reconstruction reveals that moments of crisis can also provide opportunities to strengthen our experiment in democracy. During the original Reconstruction, the republic rid itself of another faithless president, Andrew Johnson. Like Johnson, Trump and his followers are fond of Confederate generals and their rebel rag of treason.

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Pierluisi, a Democrat who is the head of Puerto Rico's pro-statehood party, stepped into office Jan. Pierluisi inherited an island still rebuilding after the destruction left by a string of strong earthquakes last year and Hurricane Maria in — the deadliest U. The island has been grappling with the largest municipal bankruptcy in U. Pierluisi's immediate priority is to manage the health and economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, which has killed at least 1, people in Puerto Rico and infected Reconstruction Reconstruction 82, others. The island's coronavirus vaccine distribution process was off to a bumpy start at the end of last year, but Pierluisi said Puerto Rico is now "distinguishing itself by being one of the jurisdictions that most quickly administers the vaccines we're receiving. Biden has already signed a series of executive orders to increase Covid vaccinations, expand testing and reopen schools.

Pierluisi said he expects that the island will have access to more vaccinations, Reconstruction Reconstruction that's Reconstruction Reconstruction to be good for Puerto Rico.

Reconstruction Reconstruction

Biden has also said he wants the majority of K-8 schools to reopen in his first days, a goal Pierluisi shares with Biden and his nominee for education secretary, Miguel Cardonawho's also Puerto Rican. That's a great concern for me," Pierluisi said.

Reconstruction Reconstruction

The funds have barely been used. During the Trump administration, Housing Secretary Ben Carson awarded historic amounts of aid under the program for Puerto Rico to rebuild after Maria but then placed unique restrictions on the island, citing "alleged corruption" and "fiscal irregularities," as well as " Puerto Rico's Reconstruction Reconstruction to manage these funds " as a first-time grantee.

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The efforts to limit Puerto Rico's access to the funds came after the longest government shutdown in U. Texas and Florida faced similar issues after hurricanes Harvey and Irma. However, their funds were not held up after the natural disasters, and they faced no Reconstruction Reconstruction restrictions, according to audits last year by the inspector general's office of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. He also called on it to lift additional restrictions on the use of HUD funds, which Biden had promised to remove in his plan for Puerto Rico.]

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