Parental Depression And Its Effects On Children -

Parental Depression And Its Effects On Children Parental Depression And Its Effects On Children.

Many studies have looked at the role of women and family caregiving. Although not all have addressed gender issues and caregiving specifically, the results are still generalizable to women because they are the majority of informal care providers in this country. Women are the major providers of long-term care in this country, but link also have long-term care needs of their own.

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Women live longer than men, tend to outlive their spouses, and Parenhal less access to retirement savings such as pensions. A common scenario is an older woman who cares for her husband and who discovers that there are few or otherwise—to meet her own needs for assistance. For example:.

Parental Depression And Its Effects On Children

This time out of the workforce for caregiving may compound the impact of earlier leave taken to care for a child. Further, caregiving is expensive in and of itself.

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Women who are family caregivers are 2. Estimates indicate that some 20 percent of all female workers in the United States are family caregivers. Instead, they cope—to the best of their abilities—with the combined pressures of caring for a loved one, their need for income, reliance on often inadequate public programs and fewer employment-related benefits. One national study on women and caregiving highlighted the conflicting demands of work and eldercare. The study found that: For most women, fewer contributions to pensions, Social Security and other retirement savings vehicles are the result of reduced hours on the job or fewer years in the workforce.

Parental Depression And Its Effects On Children

Women caregivers are: Complicating the picture, researchers have found that women who reduced their work hours while caregiving did not increase work hours once caregiving had stopped. Caregiving also has a substantial impact on business.]

Parental Depression And Its Effects On Children

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