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Molieres And Swift Satire Essay Molieres And Swift Satire Essay

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His proposal makes it visible to others that there is a need for social reform. The proposal itself speaks to the people who ignore the issues but who are also the ones that can fix them.

Molieres And Swift Satire Essay

Swift is bringing upon an attempt to find a cheap and easy method for bringing children of the poor into the commonwealth as well as turning the problem that is amuck, into its own solution. He uses analogies for the way people, a nation, can be devoured and how the nation is consuming itself and its own resources. Swift has effective and ineffective ways of using different literary techniques that will intrigue one or leave them completely baffled with his proposal. At first glance of this writing, a reader can be nothing but appalled, though it causes one to think about realistic solutions and to take Molieres And Swift Satire Essay. His main solution to this problem is the practice of selling and eating children. He uses statistical support and specific data about pricing, rates, and population numbers, to make his argument more agreeable and supportive.

Molieres And Swift Satire Essay

To make his proposal so effective, the author uses good structure, tone, language, and rhetorical appeals. The use of suggestive language makes it hard for the reader to not agree with his arguments.

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Though the language is clear, it is at a cross with the tone. The tone though full of sarcasm and irony, changes throughout and also reduces human beings and compares them to livestock. At first, the author was sympathetic toward the people, but then it becomes more sarcastic again.

The use of ethos, logos, and pathos play a large role in making this writing so effective.

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The constant flow of disgust and humor, have an effect on the reader emotionally, creating pathos. The ethos and logos give the writing underlying meaning, while the logos create an unsympathetic feeling allowing the proposal to come off as one that Satlre opposed. With the author creating different methods of cooking children, the ethos is weakened. With supporting evidence from friends, Swift provides details on better consumption ages, flavors, and experience. This proposal also has some techniques that make it ineffective in its writing.

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The author is portraying himself to be from a self-righteous moral stance. His stance on the sides is not easy to identify. The irony used is to criticize the society that enables all these problems and the poverty of others while at the same time it is degrading the poor.

His writing shows a lack of compassion for the human life, and by being one-sided and not considering opposing viewpoints, it loses some effectiveness.

Molieres And Swift Satire Essay

By discriminating, one would suggest it has an effect on it as well.]

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