![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Literature Review On Consumer Privacy](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Joana_Machado4/publication/273094782/figure/download/tbl1/AS:670716680749066@1536922726661/Definitions-and-examples-of-logos-included-in-each-category.png)
Literature Review On Consumer Privacy - consider, that
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The topic will discuss who engage with shoplifting within the consumer behaviour theories. The area will also discuss how consumer engages with shoplifting and why they shoplift, which will lead to the justification of that particular behaviour.

Also within the justifications it will discuss the outcomes of this action, if it is a personal gain or potential profit. Shoplifting has concluded to be one of the worrying and less understood in the area of consumer behaviour, which can come to surprise that of the literature being rather limited Cole, Normally, this area of investigation is concentrated on reflecting the potential budget and benefits that occur within shoplifting, which Johnson, stated in the three elements of young shoplifting manners that consist of experiential, financial and societal.
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However, Belson argues that shoplifting can easily be examined within the area of observed motivation grounded by the area of perceived eagerness. Klemke agrees stating that motivation is usually what triggers an individual to behave in a certain way.

Social influences for motivation within shoplifting were seemed to be unnoticed Moore, The three branded categorise areas contains of one time shoplifters, lingering shoplifters or never shoplifted. It displayed that shoplifters had two levels up for rebelliousness than individuals that do not shoplifters, which is Revies a high difference Skinner, However, within the lingering shoplifters it has shown a large difference within the scale of psychological aspect.

Both males and females was analysed as a male positioning, which discovered that the collective profile for this group was measured to be reflective of psychological behaviour Kraut, Females that have been measured to be depressed and sex role interested have reached a Litertaure level in the Literature Review On Consumer Privacy of psychological aspect Ferster and Skinner, The interpretation that was obtained from this measurement is that even though these females are very comparable with chronic shoplifters concerning masculine positioned and anti-establishment attitude their somatic fears and their current depression categorise them as individual that would turn source emotions within themselves rather than against others. Therefore, they are less likely to use these emotions as hostility towards others Ray, Males that were measured to be paranoiac and sex role concerned have also reached a high level within the scale of psychological aspect Mills, These males have shown to have strong anti-social Cosnumer as well.
However this occurs due to their passivity, they are most likely to not recurrence the shoplifting performance due to the fears that occurs McShane and Noonan, ]
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