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Leadership And Quality Of Leadership.

However, rigorous evaluation work based on validated assessment tools has not been adequately carried out to examine whether student well-being and service leadership qualities would increase after the learning process. Based on the responses of participants In addition, their life satisfaction and positive youth development attributes as indicators of well-being also significantly increased. Furthermore, the increase in well-being among students was closely associated with their attitudinal and behavioral changes but not knowledge acquisition.

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The present Ane imply that a formal curriculum-based leadership course can be a promising way to promote student service leadership qualities and well-being. Promoting leadership qualities in Leadership And Quality Of Leadership students is one of the major tasks of tertiary institutions. In view of the efforts and resources devoted to service leadership education in Hong Kong, it is essential to rigorously evaluate the effectiveness of these programs in terms of service leadership development and well-being enhancement.

Although some evaluation work has been done in different universities Shek and Lin ; Wong and Chandramost research failed to use validated assessment tools for service leadership attributes. Unfortunately, no previous evaluation study has covered all these aspects simultaneously.

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In addition, the relationship between leadership development and changes in well-being has not been well established. To fill these research gaps, the present study attempted to evaluate the effectiveness of a service leadership subject in Hong Kong by using validated assessment tools Leadership And Quality Of Leadership service leadership qualities i.

The relationship between the change in well-being and service leadership development was also explored. Leadership qualities of university students have been strongly emphasized and highly demanded in the contemporary world. Possessing leadership qualities has been generally expected by employers as a basic entry-level requirement for university graduates Singh and Jaykumar For example, leadership qualities such as competence and character strengths positively predicted subjective well-being indexed by life satisfaction, positive emotions, and happiness e. There were also close relationships between leadership qualities and psychological well-being defined as healthy functioning and self-actualization Kuoppala et al.


Some scholars even regarded leadership qualities as one of the indicators of psychological well-being e. In addition, there is a remarkable structural shift in the global economy from manufacturing to service economies. Service economies are characterized by more Leadsrship human interactions involved in different service transitions as well as flatter and more decentralized organizational structures where shared decision-making and empowerment have emerged Sartori et al.]

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