Is The Second Amendment A Threat -

Is The Second Amendment A Threat

Is The Second Amendment A Threat - phrase think

Authored by Jonathan Turley,. Indeed, the only thing lacking from the decision is a mailing label directly to Justice Amy Coney Barrett. The Third Circuit case concerns Lisa Folajtar who was denied the right to own a firearm. The reason was her pleading guilty in to willfully making a materially false statement on her tax returns. The case falls into the still grey area around the individual right articulated in City of Chicago , U. The question is whether this means any and all felons, even those never accused of violent acts. The law at issue is 18 U. That limited the denial of gun ownership to those convicted of murder, manslaughter, rape, mayhem, kidnapping, burglary, housebreaking and various types of aggravated assault. See Federal Firearms Act, ch. Is The Second Amendment A Threat

Is The Second Amendment A Threat - phrase

Greg Abbott has vowed to do everything he can to defend gun rights in the state, the Fort-Worth Star-Telegram reported on Monday. Texas must be a Second Amendment sanctuary state. He elaborated on what he meant by a Second Amendment sanctuary state, telling the Star-Telegram. Some gun advocates and legislators who favor gun safety measures were let down that Abbott played up Second Amendment rights while not even mentioning the recent mass shootings. Related Stories:. Keep discussions on topic, avoid personal attacks and threats of any kind. Links will not be permitted. Newsmax, Moneynews, Newsmax Health, and Independent. View Newsmax Mobile.

Is The Second Amendment A Threat Video

The Second Amendment \u0026 The Supreme Court

Its important to keep in mind that the military has used the threat of a state of emergency in the past. Here is a reflection from my fieldwork in at a rally for constitutional amendment and the threats by the military to declare a state of emergency at that time:. The rally was due to start at am, and the sports ground was already crammed full of people link I arrived. They must have arrived very early as people were already sitting on the ground, huddled close together. The crowd was a mixed group of people, young, old and in-between, with the odd journalist and foreigner here and there.

Reflections On Winkler 's ' Gunfight ' The Battle Over The Right ' Bear Arms ' America '

I wondered if members of the Special Investigation Branch were also here — probably. The sports ground sloped down to one end where a large platform had been erected.

Is The Second Amendment A Threat

The crowd all faced the large platform, and behind the platform was an enormous sign several metres high proclaiming the reason for the demonstration: the National League for Democracy NLD and the 88 Tbreat had joined forces to call on the government to amend section of the Constitution. Section contains the amendment procedure to change the Constitution.

Is The Second Amendment A Threat

This has to be one of the most constitutionally literate people in the world, I thought to myself. In how many other countries would this many people actually know or care about the amendment provision of their Constitution?

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The gates to the ground had already been closed by the time I arrived, so people spilled out onto the surrounding sideways and footpaths, peering through the iron fence. To the left of the grounds several small food stalls had popped up.

Is The Second Amendment A Threat

The food vendors were clustered near some card tables where here handed out NLD pamphlets and fliers, and encouraged people to sign the petition to amend the Constitution. Many people in the crowd proudly displayed their political allegiance by wearing NLD paraphernalia — t-shirts, headbands, Is The Second Amendment A Threat arm bands. Just two years ago this was unthinkable. At the road to the back of the grounds, some people had climbed trees while others stood on the back of a utility vehicle parked on the road, in an attempt to get the best view of the stage. To the right side of the stage, there was a large group of people, as that spot offered the closest and most unobstructed view of the stage.

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Some young NLD volunteers who wore security badges formed a human chain in an attempt to keep people off the road and keep the traffic flowing around the crowd. The traffic crawled by slowly Is The Second Amendment A Threat patiently, car fumes choking the early air morning. All three had been political prisoners for their pro-democracy activities during the post military period. While Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was clearly the favourite, the crowd listened with the same rapture and level of respect for all speakers.

I wondered how many rallies this was now for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi — from the weekly talks that she gave outside her gate in the early s, to the talks she gave around the country when released from country arrest, particularly since One of the most unusual aspects of the rally was the silence that prevailed when the speeches were being made.

The atmosphere was surreal.

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There were thousands Is The Second Amendment A Threat people around me, and yet I could not see anyone talking or whispering to each other, nor was anyone on their phone. Some media reports later estimated the event to have drawn a crowd as big as 20, people. Even though it was still early morning, the heat was oppressive and stifling, yet few people moved. All eyes were glued to the stage, as if their lives depended on the words of the speakers. At times when one of the speakers made a particularly impassioned on the necessity of constitutional amendment and democracy, the crowd would cheer and applaud, but then it would inevitably here respectfully silent again.

It was perhaps the most orderly and controlled rally that I have ever been to. The demonstrations that took place across Myanmar from May to July focused on the need for constitutional amendment, although it also attracted threats from the government [the USDP military-backed government] that it would declare a state of emergency.]

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