Is The Knee Injury An Invasive Or -

Is The Knee Injury An Invasive Or Is The Knee Injury An Invasive Or.

Are you searching for effective anterior knee pain treatment in the Palo Alto area?

Is The Knee Injury An Invasive Or

Pain that is experienced in the front and center of the knee is referred to as anterior knee pain. This type of knee injury is most commonly associated with young athletes who complain of anterior knee pain during or after sporting activities. In many cases, anterior knee pain is simply the product of insufficient rest, Knew and stretching.

Which Surgery is Right for You?

However, anterior knee pain may be a symptom of an injury, illness or abnormality in the kneecap patella or the joint itself. If you suffer from frequent anterior knee pain, seeking a consultation with an orthopedic surgeon who has sports medicine experience is recommended. The majority of patients who present with anterior knee pain go through a conservative treatment plan at Silicon Valley Orthopaedics.

Is The Knee Injury An Invasive Or

We are committed to avoiding overly invasive surgeries that are often unnecessary and may result in long-term problems for the patient. There are a number of minimally invasive procedures used at Silicon Valley Orthopaedics, serving Palo Alto and surrounding areas, to address the causes of knee pain.

Is The Knee Injury An Invasive Or

The first step is seeking a consultation with an orthopedic surgeon who understands how to get to the bottom of your knee pain. Nic Gay and Dr. Masi Reynolds have experience in sports medicine, as well as orthopedic surgery.

Who Should Have Minimally Invasive Total Knee Replacements

The goal of a minimally invasive approach to underlying issues that cause knee pain is the preservation of the joint. Partial complete joint replacements should be reserved for cases where the knee has suffered irreparable damage.

We are focused on helping you avoid further damage through conservative measures such as physical therapy, orthotics and footwear recommendations.]

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