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Hedda Gabler Naturalism Essay

Hedda Gabler Naturalism Essay Video

(sub)Text: Against Specialization in Ibsen's \ Hedda Gabler Naturalism Essay

Setting as a Clarification of Motives in Hedda Gabler Henrik Ibsen centralizes one of his most renowned plays, Hedda Gabler, around an upper-class housewife, and the complexities behind her seemingly average life. The title character finds herself in conditions that would be highly sought after by most young women of the nineteenth century: in a seemingly stable marriage with a comfortable home, and significantly Hedda Gabler Naturalism Essay freedom than most females were offered within the context of the play. Being raised by her father as a young girl, Hedda was treated more like a son than a daughter, and Esszy able to enjoy freedoms that were typically reserved for males of the time. When Hedda agrees to marry George Tesman, she sacrifices this liberty of gender ambiguity, and confines herself to the societal restrictions of the time. Nevertheless, although Hedda displays an outward compliance to the female see more of the time, inwardly, Hedda rejects the idea of being dominated by a husband, which manifests in her passive aggression towards George.

Should she choose to, Hedda could leave her husband like Mrs. Elvested to pursue her own idea of happiness, but in doing so, the protagonist would sacrifice her social standing and image as a well-esteemed and proper wife. With that, she decides Gablsr enshroud her Hedda Gabler Naturalism Essay in a facade at the expense of her contentment.

Hedda Gabler Naturalism Essay

Due to the link conditions of the Norwegian setting, Hedda is provided with two options, to become an even greater victim of female repression under the hands of Judge Brack, or to be banished by the upper-class society that is so vital to existence. In a more contemporary time, alternative options would Hedda Gabler Naturalism Essay available to the protagonist due to Gaber equality with which women are now perceived, and the social acceptance of independent females in the present day.

Within this room, she is able to deny her present circumstances by detaching herself from the outside world. Within its four walls, Hedda is able to ignore the outside world.

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That being said, the drawing room and its contents also represent the suffocating aristocratic life that the young woman struggles to maintain despite its smothering effects. The conflicted relationship that the woman has with the room and her identity is illustrated when Hedda makes reference to source another set piece: the piano.

Hedda Gabler Naturalism Essay

Through her relationship with this object, Ibsen again demonstrates the conflict that Hedda experiences as she attempts to replace the ways of her past with her new aristocratic identity, while still clinging onto fragments of her old life. Unable to find a middle ground in her life, Hedda comes to understand that the only way to avoid trading either her inner or outer desires for the other, is to take complete control of her life by sacrificing both. Works Cited Ibsen, Henrik. Hedda Gabler. Naturlaism Fjelde.

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Hedda Gabler Naturalism Essay

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