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According to two Israeli sources familiar with the arrangement of the visit, the Egyptian president stipulated that for the visit to take place, the Israeli prime minister would declare his acceptance of the two-state solution, or that he implement some step on the ground as a step to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. However, Netanyahu has reservations about this proposal, which comes on the eve of the Knesset elections next March, in light of his efforts to gain the largest possible support from the right-wing voters, and despite this, Netanyahu still hopes to visit Cairo, so that efforts are made to reach a settlement that will give way. The field to visit before the Knesset elections. Normalization and elections The researcher on Israeli affairs, Antoine Shalhat, attributed the visit that Netanyahu is planning to undertake to the Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt to his efforts to invest in normalization in his election campaign and to search for a victory image in Arab capitals. There are indications that the Israeli Prime Minister — who postponed his visit to the Emirates and Bahrain due to the comprehensive closure and suspension of flights at Ben Gurion Airport in light of the Corona pandemic — will pay visits before the elections, to coordinate positions between Tel Aviv and Abu Dhabi, Manama and Cairo in front of the administration of US President Joe Biden regarding all With regard to the incendiary files in the Middle East, most notably the Iranian nuclear file and the Palestinian file. Despite this, the researcher on Israeli affairs does not rule out the possibility that Netanyahu will release statements for media consumption related to his willingness to return to negotiations with the Palestinians and accept the two-state solution, provided that his visit to Cairo and Gulf capitals takes place before the elections. However, he believes that Netanyahu, if it is confirmed that his visits to Arab capitals will settle the elections in his favor, and if he is also subjected to pressure from the Biden administration, he may announce his readiness to return to negotiations with the Palestinians and his acceptance of the two-state solution, but on conditions that empty any solution of its true content. According to the political reporter. Source link. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly.

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HAMLET'S MADNESS -- ENGLISH NOTES Hamlet why did he delay. Hamlet why did he delay

Literature Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for scholars and enthusiasts of literature. It only takes a minute to sign up. Shakespeare's play Hamlet contains only two female characters, Gertrude and Ophelia, and Hamlet himself seems to have issues with both of them.

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