Evaluation of a Business Code of Ethics - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Evaluation of a Business Code of Ethics Video

Code of Ethics - Corporate Excellence - Business Ethics - Study at Home with me Evaluation of a Business Code of Ethics

Evaluation of a Business Code of Ethics - opinion

The purpose of this assignment is to assist you in refining problem-solving capabilities that organizations already possess for use in business ethics applications. This paper uses a structured, objective format sometimes called a system of inquiry. This assignment is a systematic formalized inquiry into, or examination of, the code of ethics of an organization and its effects to achieve a specific level of ethical behavior in employees, management, and executives. Each business should have a framework for ensuring ethical behavior. Sometimes, codes of ethics are called by other names, such as an employee code of conduct. Evaluation of a Business Code of Ethics

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The code of ethics for a professional association incorporates values, principles, and professional standards. A review and comparative analysis of a pledge and codes of ethics from,and for a health information management association was conducted.

Evaluation of a Business Code of Ethics

Highlights of some changes in the healthcare delivery system are identified as a general context for the codes of ethics. The codes of ethics are examined in terms of professional values and changes in the language used to express the principles of the various codes.

Key words : values, ethics, code of ethics, health information management, health information management professional, health information management professional association, ethical decision-making, healthcare system. People have been creating medical records since antiquity, as evidenced by the drawings Busineas medical conditions and surgeries in the cave wall paintings created by early humans.

How We Ensure Quality

The principles in a code of ethics can provide invaluable assistance for the ethical health information management HIM leader. Inthe American College Evaluatuon Surgeons ACOS was founded, and in the ACOS needed a mechanism to review the surgical work of their fellowship candidates, based on the submission of medical records.

Evaluation of a Business Code of Ethics

The ACOS sought to properly evaluate the work of the surgical candidates for fellowship; hence the need for standardization in record content was identified. Professional values form the basis for the principles that are included in a code of ethics.

Benefits of Using Our Services

Professional values for HIM include the importance of education and technical competency, patient safety, data validity and accuracy, truthfulness, compassion, and dedication to providing quality services in professional roles. Decision-making criteria for work decisions can include technological feasibility, reasonable cost, legality, available personnel expertise, standards of care, and organizational goals. The ethical decision is what should be done the best actiongiven the competing interests, obligations, and values of others involved in making the decision. This criterion requires the professional to consider values that are beyond the personal and to take into account the values and perspectives of others who are involved.

Evaluation of a Business Code of Ethics

The core ethical principles of beneficence do goodnonmaleficence do not harmautonomy control by the individualand justice fairness stated by Beauchamp and Childress 7 are important to a code of ethics. HIM professionals face many ethical problems, including issues related to privacy and confidentiality; compliance, fraud, and abuse; clinical code selection and use; quality review; research and decision support; public health; fo care; clinical care; electronic health information systems, including information security, software development and implementation, data resource management, integrated delivery systems, e-health, information technology, and information exchange; management of sensitive information genetic, adoption, and behavioral health ; management; entrepreneurship; vendor management; and advocacy.

HIM professionals cannot wait for the law, policies and procedures, and other oc systems to guide their actions because problems often arise and decisions must be made prior to the ability of these Evaluation of a Business Code of Ethics to offer guidance. For example, genetic discrimination and medical identity theft had to be dealt with far in advance of legislation or policies and procedures to guide actions.]

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