Ethiopia s And Its Surrounding Country -

Ethiopia s And Its Surrounding Country

Are: Ethiopia s And Its Surrounding Country

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Ethiopia s And Its Surrounding Country

Damming a major river is always consequential, more so if it crosses borders. February 1, The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project is so important for the Horn of Africa country that it decided to finance the building of it Coumtry itself, after international lenders refused. The hydropower the Blue Nile dam will produce is critical in a country where more than half of the population is without access to electricity.

Two ways to read the story

It was a case of regional rivalries trumping understandings about science and cooperation. Egypt, 1, miles downstream and dependent on Surroundiing Nile for fresh and irrigation water, views the dam as a national security threat. Sudan, which stands to benefit, is sandwiched between Egypt and Ethiopia and reluctant to anger either. Rather, it was a case of regional rivalries Ethiopia s And Its Surrounding Country understandings about science and cooperation that have been laid out by African and Western mediators in continue reading draft agreements.

Yet even amid indications that the revival of traditional American diplomacy could help resolve the dam dispute, observers say mediators must also confront currents stronger than the Nile itself: nationalism, Surroundint disputes, and a struggle over supremacy in the Horn of Africa. A sense of personal investment and national unity around the dam solidified after the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and other lenders refused to fund the GERD.

Ethiopia s And Its Surrounding Country

Ethiopia in decided to go it alone, paying for it with government funds and bonds purchased by private citizens, and broke ground on the project in Allo says. The draft agreements notwithstanding, the water-sharing disputes between Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia have only deepened since construction completed on the GERD in and Addis Ababa began filling Surroundint reservoirs in July.

Regional supremacy

It is also concerned with potential flooding and drought. The dam has a total capacity of 74 BCM. Egypt has pushed for intervention by the United States, its Arab allies, and the U. Security Council. The dam, 20 miles from the Sudan-Ethiopia border, will reduce flooding that has devastated Sudan in the past. Khartoum — militarily close more info Egypt, diplomatically indebted to Ethiopia, and financially and politically dependent on Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, who are allied with Egypt — is reluctant both to appear to support the dam, on the one hand, or come down hard on Addis Ababa, on the other.

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This complicated balancing act was disrupted AAnd December by the violent reignition of a century-old Sudan-Ethiopia border dispute. Sudanese patrols have come under shelling allegedly at the hands of Ethiopian militias, and the Sudanese army and Ethiopian federal forces have clashed multiple times this month. Observers agree the dispute provides an opportunity for the Biden administration to demonstrate its vowed return to traditional American diplomacy. Last July the Trump administration partially suspended American assistance to Ethiopia after Addis Ababa rejected a draft agreement compiled Washington that it saw as heavily favoring Cairo.

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But observers caution that the Biden administration must untangle the web of regional politics, nationalist fervor, and power plays in order to get the three states back to the basics: water. Already a subscriber? We want to hear, did we miss an angle we should have covered?

Ethiopia s And Its Surrounding Country

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