![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Economic Policy Essay](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/FXoAAOSwYIxe~GTf/s-l640.jpg)
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The New Economic is controversial. Some historians argue it allowed the Soviet economy to solidify and begin to recover, and also allowed the Bolsheviks to retain control over Russia.

Others, like Orlando Figes, state it was ultimately a failure, arguing that under the NEP the peasants grew away from the Bolshevik regime, inviting a future, and brutal, reassertion of central control. During its operation, industrial and agricultural production had fallen alarmingly.
The existence of the Cheka and the Red Army enabled Lenin to embark on the policy of centralisation. This development helped prepare the way for issuing the Decree of Nationalisation in June and within two years it brought practically Economic Policy Essay major industrial enterprises in Russia under central government control.
Yet nationalism did nothing to increase production due to https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/essay/writing-practice-test-online/the-pros-and-cons-of-parenting.php imposed at the time of severe industrial disruption caused initially by the strains of World War One but which worsened during the Civil War. Furthermore the military needs were given priority thus denying resources to those industries not considered essential. Economic Policy Essay
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The situation was made more serious by factories being deprived of man power as a result of conscription into the Red army and flight from urban areas of large numbers of inhabitants who left in search of food Exonomic by means of escape from the Civil War. Problems were deepened further by hyper-inflation. Agriculture was also Economic Policy Essay affected by War Communism.

A major purpose of War Communism was to force the peasants to provide more food. Cheka requisition units were sent into the countryside to take the grain by force. In the order was given to hang one hundred kulaks publically in order to terrify the population however this seemed Economic Policy Essay have the reverse effect of the one intended. With the knowledge that any surplus would be confiscated, peasants produced the bare minimum to feed themselves and their family.
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By a combination of requisitioning, draught and general disruption Economic Policy Essay war resulted in national famine with grain harvests in and being less than half that gathered in The matters became so desperate that the Bolsheviks admitted famine and accepted foreign assistance however foreign help was too late to prevent mass starvation.
Of the 10 million of the Civil War period over half starved to death. Although War Communism proved catastrophic in terms of industrial and agricultural output the Bolsheviks saw it as true Economic Policy Essay due to the squeezing of the peasants and the ending of private ownership. As a short-term measure the policy produced the results Lenin wanted but severity increased Bolshevik unpopularity resulting in a number of minor outbreaks of resistance during the s.
Kollontai accused party leaders of losing touch with the proletariat and from this, groups of workers in Petrograd went on strike in early justifying their actions in the proclamation than change is needed in the policies of the government. In an attempt to pacify strikers Lenin sent a team of political commissars to Kronstadt who were greeted with derision. In early March, the sailors and workers of Kronstadt produced a manifesto. It was not the demands that frightened the Bolsheviks but the people who drafted them as the workers and sailors of Kronstadt had been great and Economic Policy Essay supporters of the Bolsheviks in The danger for the Bolsheviks was that due to their popularity of the Kronstadters revolted the rest of the people would be due to follow.]
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