Eating Disorders Are On The Rise -

Eating Disorders Are On The Rise - not

Approximately 24 million people in the United States suffer from an eating disorder, according to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders. Moreover, eating disorders are among the deadliest mental illnesses, second only to opioid addiction, resulting in approximately 10, deaths each year. According to Marie Galmiche et al. Since the publication of this AJCN article, it appears that the prevalence and severity of eating disorders may be spiking even more due to the anxiety and stress unleashed by the COVID pandemic. Many of the more than 1, survey participants acknowledged and appreciated the transition to telehealth; however, at the same time, they expressed concerns about the limitations of telehealth in providing the level of care they believed they needed. Encouragingly, respondents noted some positive effects of the pandemic, including stronger connection with family, more time for self-care, and greater motivation to recover. In addition, many are working from home for the first time, spending the day, in some cases alone, near a stocked kitchen. While family and friends can provide some comfort and support for individuals trying to manage their eating disorders, it may not be enough for many during these particularly stressful times. By shining a light on eating disorders, ASN hopes to inspire its members to continue conducting research, providing clinical care, and offering resources to individuals with eating disorders. With our support, we can help them develop and maintain healthy eating patterns during the COVID pandemic and after.

Eating Disorders Are On The Rise Video

'Influencers' blamed for the rise of clean-eating disorders Eating Disorders Are On The Rise

The Eating Disorder Foundation says both the number and severity of eating disorders are on the rise as a result of the pandemic and the impact on the healthcare system is showing. The foundation says an eating disorder is a complex mental and physical illness which can become a dangerous medical illness if not treated. She says eating disorders can affect both females and males, and while they usually manifest in teens, they can also be hidden for years.

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