Early life and military careeredit Born in - something
He has lectured on mathematics and musical theater. He is best known for the pithy and humorous songs that he recorded in the s and s. His songs often parodied popular musical forms, though he usually created original melodies when doing so. A notable exception is " The Elements ", in which he set the names of the chemical elements to the tune of the " Major-General's Song " from Gilbert and Sullivan 's Pirates of Penzance. Lehrer's early musical work typically dealt with non-topical subject matter and was noted for its black humor in songs such as " Poisoning Pigeons in the Park ". In the s, he produced a number of songs that dealt with social and political issues of the day, particularly when he wrote for the U. The popularity of these songs has far outlasted their topical subjects and references. Lehrer quoted a friend's explanation: "Always predict the worst and you'll be hailed as a prophet. Eventually, his mother also sent him to a popular-music piano teacher. Early life and military careeredit Born in.Noted for his bald head and deep, resonant voice, [2] [3] [4] [5] he is perhaps best known for portraying Lt. His paternal grandparents came from the Greek village of Ierakas.
Savalas and his brother, Gus, sold newspapers and polished shoes to help support the family. He won a spelling bee there in ; due to an oversight, he did not receive his prize untilwhen the school abd and Boston Herald decided to award it to him. However, on one occasion, he was unsuccessful in saving a father from drowning; as he attempted resuscitation, the man's two children stood nearby crying for their father to wake up.
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This affected Savalas so much that he spent the rest of his article source constantly promoting water safety, and later made all six of his children take swimming lessons. InSavalas was drafted into careegedit United States Army. Inhe was discharged from the Army with the rank of corporal after being severely injured in a car accident. Savalas spent more than a year recuperating in hospital with a broken pelvis, sprained ankle and concussion. He received a bachelor's degree in psychology from Columbia's School of General Studies in [8] [15] and started working on a master's degree while preparing for medical school. After the war, he worked for the U. Savalas began as an executive director and then as senior director of the news special events at ABC.
He then became an executive producer for the Gillette Cavalcade of Sportscarreredit he gave Howard Cosell his first job in television.
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Savalas did not consider acting as a career until asked if he could recommend an actor who could do a European accent. He did but as the friend in question could not go, Savalas himself went careeredig cover for his friend and ended up being cast on "And Bring Home a Baby", an episode of Armstrong Circle Theatre in January He appeared on two more episodes of the series in andone, acting alongside a young Sydney Pollack.
Savalas made his film debut in Mad Dog Collhttps://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/essay/essay-writing-format-cbse-class-12/causes-and-symptoms-of-hantavirus-pulmonary-syndrome.php a cop.
The same year, he appeared as a private detective in Cape Fear directed by J. Lee Thompson whom Savalas would work with in future filmsand The Internsreprising his role from the latter film in The New Interns Savalas, already at a late stage of male-pattern baldnessshaved his head to play Pontius Pilate in The Greatest Story Ever Told [26] and kept his head shaven for the rest of his life.
He was part of an all-star cast in The Dirty Dozenplaying Archer Maggott the worst of the dozenin a role Jack Palance turned down. Campbell Early life and military careeredit Born in — noted as one of his favorite roles — and the all-star action movie Mackenna's Goldhis third film Eaely J.
Lee Thompson.]
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