Coca Cola Pricing Strategies -

Coca Cola Pricing Strategies

Coca Cola Pricing Strategies Video

Coca Cola Pricing Coca Cola Pricing Strategies

Everyone knows Coca-Cola, it is one of the most popular and beloved brand in the world.

Coca Cola Pricing Strategies

Coca Cola is an international company and the world largest manufacturer, licensor and distributor of 3, nonalcoholic beverages with more than brands and selling 17 billion servings per day in more than countries. The global behemoth is known for marketing strategy of creating and maintaining its identity of bringing people happiness and unity.

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The Coca-Cola was invented in the late 19 th century and has continues to be in the top position in the beverage industry. In its long history, the company Coca Cola Pricing Strategies been able to come up with unique and innovative marketing campaigns that have been extremely successful.

The mission of the company is to refresh, inspire optimism and bring about happy moments in consumers lives, while the framework of the company is to address various elements of its business which are customers, partners, productivity, brands portfolio and communities. Pepper Snapple. Coca-Cola has evolved a lot from when it first started, the company went from selling one products to more than 3, beverages, having affiliations with brands selling 17 billion serving in a Coca Cola Pricing Strategies day to more than countries. Coca-Cola is the leading company in the beverage industry and first started out by being a soda fountain drink in Atlanta, Georgia inwhere it first sold in a pharmacy.

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When the product was first produced by Dr. Pemberton in the form of a syrup and sold for 5 cents a glass as a soda fountain drink. The carbonated drink was then changed to a syrup to a drink that was said to be refreshing and delicious. Dr Pemberton then went here to partner with a book keeper Frank M Robinson who suggested the name to be changed to Coca-Cola.

Coca Cola Pricing Strategies

The company was incorporated in and its drink were first sold in bottles in and then first established internationally in in countries like Canada, Cuba and Panama. Dr Pemberton Prifing realized the true potential of the soft drink he had created. Over the years he gradually sold portions of his business to various partners and, just prior to his death insold his remaining interest in Coca-Cola to Asa G.

Mr Candler who was a businessman from Atlanta, went on to buy additional rights and acquire Coca Cola Pricing Strategies control. The company brands range from sparkling soft drinks to juice and beverages while its customers comprises of the general population which is divided according to their tastes and preferences.

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When it comes to flagship brands like Diet Coke the audience falls in age range of under 30 years as they are identified as the youth. On other side the regular Coca-Cola is said to have a more mature target audience of 30 years and above. Also since the company has been around for more than years it provides a nostalgic feel to the older generation 31 years and up.

Coca Cola Pricing Strategies

The vast range of different beverage have a minimum target audience of 12 years and older as the company is reducing the amount of advertising that targets children younger than ]

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