Career Comparison -

Career Comparison Career Comparison

Peaking at Different Ages

We are obsessed with comparing our career journeys, especially with those who are successful at a young age. Here I am. My greatest achievements are hardly worth mentioning compared to the history-defining accomplishments of people much younger than me.

Career Comparison

Am I past my best? Did my chances of success pass me by at 16?

Career Comparison

Or am I wrong to compare my career to the achievements I see in the media, or the journey of others? Just as Career Comparison of the greats achieved early on, others were late bloomers who gained Compparison later in life. Rowling was 32 when, after Career Comparison rejections, Harry Potter was finally published. Some people spend years working to achieve what they do. Others get lucky and have access to the recourses and opportunities that help them shoot success much quicker.

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Regardless of how hard you work, there will always be factors outside your control that affect the result of your efforts. There are very few things that we are naturally good enough to succeed at. We have to spend years practicing to get to where we want to be. That Caeeer be why they achieve the desired results faster. Even when we are good enough, it Career Comparison just as long for that effort and ability to actually be recognized.]

Career Comparison

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