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Excellent: Assignment 2 STRAYER INTRO TO BUSIN

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In this assignment, you will condense information from Assignment 2 to create a PowerPoint presentation.

Faculty Note: If there is a hardship for any student in being able to secure a microphone to complete this assignment, allow the student to use the Notes section of PowerPoint to write a narrative of what he or she would say if actually presenting. Article summary February 5, Introduction to Hunmanities February 5, Strayer University Technology and Healthcare Presentation. Create a seven to nine 7—9 slide PowerPoint presentation in which you: Provide a title slide as indicated in the format requirements belowfollowed by a slide with an executive summary containing a brief statement of your proposal, as covered within Assignment 2. Summarize your response to each of the criteria in Assignment 2—one 1 slide per criterion, for a total of six 6 slides.

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Provide a summary slide that addresses your key Assignmemt from Assignment 2. Narrate each slide, using a microphone, indicating what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide and three to four 3—4 relevant graphics photographs, graphs, clip art, etc. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. The title slide is not included in the required slide length.

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The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Examine the impact technologies have on health care information systems. Describe the basic components of a strategic information system plan. Describe the major types and classifications of health care information standards and the specific organizations that develop and regulate these standards.

Discuss the need for, and identify BSUIN of, accomplishing the security of information systems. Evaluate the impact of strategic information system plans on organizational competitiveness and performance. Use technology and information resources to research issues in health information systems.

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Write clearly and concisely about health information systems using proper writing mechanics. Strayer Https:// Technology and Healthcare Presentation was first posted on February 5, at pm. Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only.

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