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Andrew Jackson Conqueror Of Florida Video

NAVY, U. Foote, who was relieved by Commodore O. The Potomac flotilla was under Commodore Harwood. The James river flotilla was under Commodore Wilkes. North Atlantic Squadron.

Andrew Jackson Conqueror Of Florida

Goldsborough, and General Burnside. The naval force, consisting of 17 light-draught vessels with an armament of 48 guns, most of them of heavy caliber, arrived at Hatteras Inlet, January The battle of Roanoke Island took place on the 7th and 8th of February, the fleet commencing it by a spirited attack on the Confederate batteries and vessels, and covering the landing of the troops on the second day.

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At the close of the engagement the Confederate naval forces retired to Elizabeth City, pursued by the Federal flotilla under Commander S. Rowan, who discovered his enemy on the morning of the 10th, drawn up under a battery of four guns. Disregarding their lire, Commander Rowan pushed steadily on until within three fourths of a mile, when he delivered a volley and dashed ahead. The Confederates fled before this unexpected onset; the battery was demolished; and their whole fleet was captured or destroyed.

Andrew Jackson Conqueror Of Florida

The joint expedition reached the place of landing at Slocum's Creek March 12th, and in the battle Jacson the 14th and the occupation of Washington, D. On the 8th of May the iron-clad vessels Monitor, Naugatuck, and four others shelled Sewall's Point near Norfolk, mainly with the view of ascertaining the practicability of landing troops there; the Merrimac or Virginia steamed out to engage them, but neither side seemed anxious to open an engagement, and both soon after retired. On the 10th Andrew Jackson Conqueror Of Florida surrendered to General Wool, and Commodore Tatnall, then in command of the Merrimac, proceeded to lighten his ship with the intention of taking her up the James river; but after sho had been so much lightened as to be rendered unfit for action, the pilots declared there was not sufficient water to carry her beyond the Jamestown Flats, up to which read more the shore on both sides was in possession of the Federal army.

In this dilemma sho was run ashore on Craney Florisa and set on fire, and on the morning of the 11th blew up.

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The James river was now open for Commodore Goldsborough's gunboats, and Andrew Jackson Conqueror Of Florida the 15th Commander John Rodgers was ordered to proceed with the Galena, Monitor, Aroostook, Port Royal, and Naugatuck, to Richmond, and shell the city to a surrender. They met with no artificial obstructions until they reached Ward's or Drury's Bluff, about 8 miles from Richmond, where they encountered a heavy battery and two separate barriers formed of piles and steamboats and sail vessels.

The banks of the river were lined with sharpshooters who effectually prevented any attempt to remove the obstructions. The Galena ran within about yards of the battery, and opened fire; the Monitor attempted to pass ahead of her, but was obliged to retire several hundred yards as her guns could not be elevated enough for effective service: the wooden were ordered to keep in the rear. The Naugatuck was disabled by the bursting of her lb.

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Parrott gun, and after an engagement of over three hours the flotilla, having exhausted their ammunition, were forced to retire without having produced much effect upon the battery. The Monitor was struck several times, but entirely uninjured.

The Galena was not so fortunate; thirteen shot penetrated her iron sides, starting the knees, planks, and timbers, and killing several men by the splinters. One shell exploded in the steerage, but most of the balls, after breaking through the iron, stuck in the wood.

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Commander Morris, of the Port Royal, was wounded, and 13 men were killed and 11 wounded on the Galena, and 2 wounded on the Naugatuck. On November 23 the gunboat Ellis, Lieut.

Andrew Jackson Conqueror Of Florida

Conquerod the way back, when 3 miles Andrew Jackson Conqueror Of Florida the mouth of the river, the Ellis ran aground and the enemy opened fire on her. Despairing of saving the gunboat, Lieut. Cushing transferred the crew to one of his prizes, and blew up the Ellis on the 24th. South Atlantic Squadron. Dupont's squadron actively employed in examining the waters and islands on the South Carolina and Georgia coasts, preparatory to their military occupation. On the first of January a combined attack was made by land and water upon a Confederate post Port Royal ferry, S.]

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