Analysis Of The Poem Adair Billy -

Analysis Of The Poem Adair Billy Video

William Wordsworth - Upon Westminster Bridge - Analysis. Poetry Lecture by Dr. Andrew Barker Analysis Of The Poem Adair Billy.

However, Toccata is a fO piece of music. While he plays or listens to his immortal music, though swept away, gets transposed into old Venice. The music helps him to visualize the country, her people, the carnival, and above all, Baldassare playing at his clavichord. This poem consists of fifteen tercets.

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Each stanza of the poem contains a conventional rhyming patternending with a similar rhyme. Moreover, the overall poem is composed in trochaic octameter. However, most of the lines end with the catalectic foot. Here, the poet evokes the spirit of the Venetian composer, Baldassare Galuppi.

The first line also contains a rhetorical exclamation. Thereafter, the poet uses a litote in the second line. In the second stanza, there is an allusion to Saint Mark, the patron saint of Venice, as well as to the Duke of Doge. One can also find the use of interrogations or rhetorical questions in the fourth tercet. This poem also contains the epigram. I can hardly misconceive you; it would prove me deaf and blind. What, they lived once thus at Venice where the merchants were the kings.

Explore A Toccata of Galuppi's

The speaker understands the essence of the toccata. However, only a few take interest in such a kind of old music. In the second stanza, the speaker expresses how music helps one to imagine the old Venice. There, merchants were the kings. Saint Mark, the patron Adsir of Venice, protected the city and the duke of Doge wedded the sea with rings. In the third tercet, the speaker metaphorically compares the Adriatic sea to the streets of Venice.

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For the people of Venice, sailing through the sea was like treading on streets. Such was the agility of the enterprising Venetian people. Apart from that, the speaker admits he has never been to Venice.]

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