Abortion A Moral Problem Video
Bill Nye slams anti-abortion activists Abortion A Moral Problem.There is an ethical imperative to take public health action to eliminate the global problem of unsafe abortion. The moral obligation is dictated by the magnitude of the problem, the health inequities and social injustices that result from lack of access to safe abortion, the voices of women calling for action, and an international consensus recognizing unsafe abortion as a global health problem.
Mahmoud F. Fathalla
The availability of public Abortipn interventions and the cost savings associated with fewer abortion complications reinforce the obligation to address unsafe abortion. Public health actions include reducing the need for abortion through family planning, providing safe abortion to the full extent of the law, managing abortion complications, and providing post-abortion care. These actions intersect with morality, religion, law, justice, and human rights. The public health community has a collective social and ethical responsibility to stand beside and behind women as they claim their human right to health.
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Keywords: public health ethicsabortionunsafe abortionpublic healthglobal healthjusticefamily planninghuman rights. Unsafe abortion has been described as a preventable pandemic Grimes et al.

Importantly, unsafe abortion and illegal abortion are not synonyms. Illegal abortion involves terminating, or attempting to terminate, a pregnancy when doing so is against the law.

Illegal abortion is often, but not always, Modal. In many countries where abortion is illegal, for example, private physicians may perform safe abortions for wealthy patients who can afford their high medical fees Abortion A Moral Problem, Also, not all legal abortions are safe. Some developing countries have liberalized their abortion laws, but because their health care systems are inadequate to meet the demand for abortion, women in those learn more here may go to Aborton unqualified abortionists for the procedure Warriner, In addition to the public health justification for addressing unsafe abortion, there is an ethical Abortion A Moral Problem to do so as well.
The moral obligation is dictated by the magnitude of the health problems caused by unsafe abortion in terms of prevalence, mortality, and morbiditythe health inequities and social injustices that poor women experience when they cannot access safe abortion, the many women who have called for action, and an international consensus—including p.
Edited by Anna C. Mastroianni, Jeffrey P. Kahn, and Nancy E. Kass
The availability of affordable and appropriate public health interventions, coupled with the cost savings from fewer abortion complications, reinforce the ethical imperative to prevent unsafe click here. The global prevalence of unsafe abortion is staggering. A study supported by the WHO and the World Bank, among others, reported that each year between andapproximately 25 percent of Abortion A Moral Problem pregnancies globally ended in an induced abortion, which accounts for an estimated 56 million induced safe and unsafe abortions each year worldwide during that time period WHO, ; Ganatra et al.
Of those induced abortions, more than 25 million met the WHO definition of unsafe abortion, and almost all of these 97 percent occurred in developing countries WHO, When performed safely, induced abortion can be markedly safer than childbirth.
Even in a developed country like the United States, the risk of death associated with childbirth is reported to be approximately fourteen times higher than that with safe induced abortion; similarly, the overall morbidity associated with childbirth exceeds that associated with safe abortion More info and Grimes, Unsafe abortion, however, is a significant factor in maternal morbidity and mortality.
The major life-threatening complications resulting from unsafe Abortion A Moral Problem are hemorrhage, infection, and injury to the genital tract and internal organs. In developing countries, about 7 million women are admitted to the hospital each year for complications related to unsafe abortion WHO, ; Singh and Maddow-Zimet, Complications of unsafe abortion are also responsible for approximately 47, pregnancy-related deaths each year, accounting for 4.]
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