What It Look Like By Terrance Hayes - amazonia.fiocruz.br

What It Look Like By Terrance Hayes - interesting

Bloomberg -- Tom Hayes, the former trader convicted in the Libor-rigging scandal, said efforts to replace the benchmark were pointless and that the rate was far safer now. Speaking days after he was freed from prison after serving half of his year sentence, Hayes said there is no need for the cost and hassle of replacing London interbank offered rate, a move that was prompted by the international investigations that led to his conviction. The rigging of Libor and another rate, Euribor, by traders seeking to bolster their positions were among the most high-profile crimes prosecuted in the wake of the financial crisis. A deadline to replace Libor is looming at the end of this year, but the transition could take longer. Hayes was convicted in by a London court of rigging Libor following a two-month trial. Before his conviction he had been a star trader at UBS in Tokyo from until , when he was poached by Citigroup, which dismissed him less than a year later as the Libor scandal began to widen. What It Look Like By Terrance Hayes

It's not the bad people who are brave I fear, it's the good people who are afraid. February 7, This collection of sonnets, on the surface, is full of playful words, phrases, and references reminiscent of jazz.

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But the levity of the prose belies the depth of the subject matter. They speak to the reality of trying to live and thrive while being hunted and persecuted because of the colour of your skin, of love and loving yourself, and of an assassin that could be anyone, anything, or even your own self. More Books Like This:. Suggested Tags:. Terrance Hayes. Male Terrancs.

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