Unit 1 Health and Social Care Video
Unit 1 Health and Social CareArgyles theory Michael argyle was a psychologist born on august 11th He was one of the best known social psychologist who spent most of his career in the University of Oxford. Later on he gained a first experimental degree in psychology from Cambridge University in and later became the first lecturer in social psychology at the University of Oxford, also with London school of economics.
The communication cycle. The communication cycle is when we understand what is being said, reflect and check out what the person you are communicating with is saying.
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When communicating to people we have to make sure they understand what we are saying and respond to it accordingly. The communication cycle has 6 steps.

Step one- an idea occurs Have you idea of what you are going to communicate -Who you are going to communicate with, for example if they are older or younger than you and if so how much are they, or a work colleague -What the person on the recovering end should do with the information for example if a parent asks the chid a question they are expecting an answer -What is the best way to communicate the certain information, for example if a doctor is telling a patient they are terminally ill they should say it in a gentle, caring tone and show that they care -Should I have used diagrams, charts, pictures or any other sign language for example if you are communicating with someone who has Unit 1 Health and Social Care speech, visual and hearing disability Step two-message coded The second step is that you need to code the message.
You may also need to think about using signs and symbols for those who have difficulty communicating. Some things that you have to consider is that maybe the receiver of the message is having a hard time so you may have to think of sensitive things to say.

Step 4-message received The fourth step of the communication cycle is that the message should be received but this depends on whether the message is either spoken or written because there are different ways of storing the information and also converting the information. If Healht find something hard to understand you should always ask the speaker and they should be able to explain it again but you should always wait for the speaker to finish talking and not interrupt.
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Step 5-message code If the message has been sent effectively, you should be able to understand what is being said or written. For example if a carer asks their patient how they feel, they will respond by saying if they are feeling good or bad. Does your body language back up what you are saying?]
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