Tuberculosis Tb Is An Infectious Disease -

Tuberculosis Tb Is An Infectious Disease

Tuberculosis Tb Is An Infectious Disease - advise

A team of researchers recently addressed this issue with a modeling study. The impact of COVID extends beyond the millions of cases and hundreds of thousands who have lost their lives in the United States alone, but also bleeds into the deeply-rooted inequality that exists, as well as the vulnerability of the economy. One particular piece to the pandemic, or really any large-scale outbreak, is the impact it might have on other health outcomes. From excessive deaths because people are avoiding hospitals or the ability to provide care is diminished, these events have serious rippling effects. In terms of other infectious diseases, the CDC found 1, additional deaths due to HIV, 2, additional estimated deaths due to tuberculosis, and 6, additional deaths due to malaria. These same concerns are being raised for COVID and the potential impact on HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria in low-income and middle-income countries. A team of researchers recently addressed this issue with a modelling study published in The Lancet. The goal was ultimately to address and quantify the impact COVID has on services for these three infectious diseases over the next five years. Utilizing a basic reproductive number of 3. Four scenarios were used for response—no action, mitigation for 6 months, suppression for 2 months, or suppression for one year. Tuberculosis Tb Is An Infectious Disease

Tuberculosis Tb Is An Infectious Disease - already far

Diagnosing tuberculosis TB , the leading cause of death in people with HIV, remains a challenge in resource-limited countries. We assessed TB diagnosis using a strategy that included systematic urine lipoarabinomannan LAM testing for all HIV patients hospitalized in medical wards and 6-month mortality according to LAM results. This prospective, observational study included adult HIV patients hospitalized in the medical wards of a public district hospital in Malawi regardless of their TB symptoms or CD4 count. LAM results were available for In total, Any TB laboratory test result was positive in Among patients with no Xpert result, Cumulative 6-month mortality was In multivariable regression analyses, LAM-positive patients had a higher risk of mortality than LAM-negatives adjusted odds ratio, 2.

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Tuberculosis Tb Is An Infectious Disease

Despite progress in tuberculosis TB control globally, TB continues to be a leading cause of death from infectious diseases, claiming 1. Nigeria ranks 6th in the world for TB burden, with an estimated 4. This rate highlights the need to understand contextual issues influencing tuberculosis management in Nigeria. Our synthesis was aimed at synthesizing qualitative evidence on factors influencing TB care source Nigeria.

Tuberculosis Tb Is An Infectious Disease

A three-stage thematic meta-synthesis of qualitative studies was used to identify barriers and facilitators to tuberculosis case finding and treatment in Nigeria. A search of eleven databases was conducted. The date of publication was limited to to June We analyzed articles using a three-stage process, resulting in coding, descriptive subthemes and analytical themes.

Publication types

Our final synthesis of 10 articles resulted Inefctious several categories including community and family involvement, education and knowledge, attitudes and stigma, alternative care options, health system factors including coverage and human resourcegender, and direct and indirect cost of care. These were grouped into three major themes: individual factors; interpersonal influences; and health system factors. Case finding and treatment for TB in Nigeria currently depends more on individual patients presenting voluntarily to the hospital for care, necessitating an understanding of patient behaviors towards TB diagnosis and treatment.

Peer Review reports. Tuberculosis TB remains a global leading cause of death from a single infectious disease, infecting 10 million and killing an estimated 1.

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It is caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosisand spread through minute droplets produced through coughing or sneezing [ 23 ]. It typically affects the lungs pulmonary TB but can also affect other sites extrapulmonary TB [ 1 ]. People infected with the human immunodeficiency virus HIV are more prone to TB disease due to a weakened immune system [ 14 ].

Tuberculosis Tb Is An Infectious Disease

Some strains of TB have been resistant to first-line anti-TB medications, namely rifampicin or isoniazid.]

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