The Success Of Early Invention Programs -

The Success Of Early Invention Programs Video

accessAbilities First Steps Early Intervention Program The Success Of Early Invention Programs.

Such a policy exists in Massachusetts, albeit in embryonic form. The concept has been around for a few years, but it has now evolved into a state-funded, certified program that includes nearly 40 high schools and 19 colleges and universities serving almost 2, students as of last fall. Why, in the midst of a pandemic, should early college be a priority? Because it addresses two vital issues related to the crisis: educational equity and economic recovery. Early college expands opportunity for Black and brown kids who may otherwise be left behind. But Massachusetts Succesa been tentative while other states have led the way and shown how to grow early college into robust programs.


The Success Of Early Invention Programs

The idea behind early college — allowing students to earn free college credits while still in high school — is not new in the Commonwealth. Dual enrollment programs have been around for a long time; and the state is a national leader in Advanced Placement success, in part by expanding to underserved districts. But the difference is that early college programs are designed to serve disadvantaged students who have traditionally been underrepresented in such initiatives.

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The magic of early college is how it can make real what some students could otherwise only dream of. Simonai Santiago, a sophomore at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, became the first in her family to go to college. Santiago, an Afro-Latina from Lawrence, Oc about the early college initiative during The Success Of Early Invention Programs junior year at Lawrence High School and was intrigued. She said her mother had instilled in her since she was a child the goal of going to college, but the question of how loomed large. She also said that taking courses at Merrimack gave her confidence to be assertive and showed Pollution Water how to conduct herself professionally in a college setting. The question remains whether Beacon Hill will go all-in for early college.

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And state Representative Jeff Roy of Franklin plans to file a bill that will set up an office of early college programs. And yet, achievement gaps by race, ethnicity, and income in college completion rates remain wide. A larger investment would capture the imagination of more students like her, and with it, a commitment to equity and the economic future of the Commonwealth. More from Globe Opinion. Email to a Friend. View Comments. Bunker Hill Community College is one of the participants in Massachusetts' early college program.

The Success Of Early Invention Programs

Boston Globe. Related: White students more likely to finish college than Black, Latino peers, study finds.]

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