The Original Rules Of Golf -

Think, that: The Original Rules Of Golf

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The Original Rules Of Golf 447

The Original Rules Of Golf - seems

The first known Rules of Golf were drawn up in in Edinburgh for the world's first 'open' golf competition at Leith by the Gentlemen Golfers of Edinburgh, who would go on to become The Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers. If your Balls be found any where touching one another, You are to lift the first Ball, till you play the last. At Holling, you are to play your Ball honestly for the Hole, and not to play upon your Adversary's Ball, not lying in your way to the Hole. No man at Holling his Ball, is to be allowed, to mark his way to the Hole with his Club, or anything else. The rules were drawn up at the behest of the City of Edinburgh Council, who had presented the silver club prize and insisted that there had to be rules for the competition. The competition was open to all gentlemen golfers in Britain, but only local players participated. This tells us that there were no prior rules, and maybe if it had not been for Edinburgh Council, the golfers would not have drawn up rules themselves. The Original Rules Of Golf The Original Rules Of Golf

What to Read Next

Golf equipment encompasses the various items that are used to play the sport of golf. Types of equipment include the Gold ballgolf clubs, and devices that aid in the sport. Originally, golf balls were made of a hardwood, such as beech. Beginning between the 14th and 16th centuries, more expensive golf balls were made of a leather skin stuffed with down feathers; these were called "featheries".

The Original Rules Of Golf

Around The Original Rules Of Golf mids, a new material called gutta-percha, made from the latex of the East Asian sapodilla tree, started to be used to create more inexpensive golf balls nicknamed "gutties", which had similar flight characteristics as featheries. These then progressed to "brambles" in the later s, using a raised dimple pattern and resembling bramble fruit, and then Ruoes "meshies" beginning in the early s, where ball manufacturers started experimenting with latex rubber cores and wound mesh skins that created recessed patterns over the ball's surface. Recessed circular dimples were patented inbut didn't become popular until the s after the patents expired.

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A player usually carries several clubs during the game but no more than fourteen, the limit defined by the rules. There are three major types of clubs, known as woodsironsand putters. Woods are played for long shots from the tee or fairway, and occasionally rough, while irons are for precision shots from fairways as well as from the rough. A new The Original Rules Of Golf of club called a hybrid combines the straight-hitting characteristics of irons with the easy-to-hit characteristics of higher-lofted woods.

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A hybrid is often used for long shots from difficult rough. Hybrids are also used by players who have a difficult time getting the ball airborne with long irons. Wedges are irons used to play shorter shots.

The Original Rules Of Golf

Wedges are played from difficult ground such as sand or the rough and for approach shots to the green. Putters are mostly played on the green, but can also be useful when playing some approach shots.]

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