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In an unusually late release that prompted anxiety online, the Department of Health said the source of the new case is under investigation.

The New Job Is A Case

Public health officials are still asking anyone who worked at or visited the Bigs Restaurant in Mount Pearl between Jan. Anyone who develops or has had COVID symptoms in the last two weeks must self-isolate while waiting for a negative test result, the department said. Those who visited the restaurant between those dates should get tested, but those who are symptom-free are not required to isolate. The health department wouldn't give a specific reason for Sunday's update delay, but said in a statement that the situation with COVID "is a fluid one that is constantly evolving and changing.


This can sometimes take time," the statement said. A spokesperson for the department said public health apologizes for the delay and wants to "assure everyone that we are working tirelessly to ensure information is delivered in an accurate and timely manner. It said details related to that briefing are forthcoming. There is no one in hospital. Officials are continuing to investigate the source of a six-person cluster Nes the Eastern Health region.

The New Job Is A Case

Social Sharing. Public health calls for testing of Mount Pearl restaurant patrons as N.]

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