The Negative Impacts Of Social Networking -

The Negative Impacts Of Social Networking

The Negative Impacts Of Social Networking Video

How Social Media Affects Your Brain The Negative Impacts Of Social Networking

Why you should have concerns around data privacy

However, is it really harmful? Or is the harm self-inflicted? As a young woman, I got to experience a pre-social media era and it was great. Having said that, what do social media NNetworking mean to me? Facebook, Instagram and whatever young kids are into these days are just places where you share pictures and stories.

However, what might seem like an innocent platform can actually become for some a perverse tool to indulge in narcissist pursuits. Let me explain.

The Negative Effects Of Social Media

As I said before, these seemingly innocent online platforms can become perverse places that feed our unconscious narcissistic needs. To be honest, these social media platforms are indirectly teaching more about self-hate than self-love. What comes with comparing yourself Tje others? Let me tell you something, envy is like drinking poison and hoping for the other person to die. In my opinion, being cyber-bullied by someone is definitely a nuisance.

The Negative Impacts Of Social Networking

Therefore, anything that happens online in terms of bullying or harassment carries very little weight. In addition, if the problems are happening online, you can always go offline. Why do people update their relationship status online? To whom is that information relevant?

What are some of the negative effects of social media on privacy?

In addition, why would you voluntary put pictures and stories to show how great your relationship is? Are you legitimately happy? Or are you trying to yourself feel better than others? You see, I get the narcissist side of these platforms. They are basically online scrapbooks filled with highlights or seemingly perfect moments of your life.

In addition, we Netdorking so much more control over our online image online than our offline image.

The Negative Impacts Of Social Networking

Everything can be altered to our taste in the online world. You see, the way how these platforms affect us is a choice more than anything else. Therefore, if you find yourself addicted to the online world, remember it was your decision. Social Media And Self-Image As I said before, these seemingly innocent online platforms can become perverse places that feed our unconscious narcissistic needs. Social Media And Relationships Why do people update their relationship status online? No Comments Oct 17, ]

The Negative Impacts Of Social Networking

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