The Last Voyage of Columbus -

Where: The Last Voyage of Columbus

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The Last Voyage of Columbus.

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It portrays a fictionalized version of the travels to the New World by the Genoese explorer Christopher Columbus and the effect this had on indigenous peoples. The film was released by Paramount Pictures to celebrate the th anniversary of Columbus' voyage. In the beginning, Columbus is obsessed with making a trip westwards to Asia, but lacks crew and a ship. The Catholic theologians at the University of Salamanca heavily disapprove of it, and they are not keen on ideas that go against the writings of Ptolemaeus. After continuous warnings at the monastery, he becomes involved in a brawl with the monks, ending up lying in the monastery courtyard to pay penance. His eldest son, Diego, one of the monks, looks on disapprovingly. Columbus meets with the queen, who grants him his journey in exchange for his promise to bring back sufficient amounts of riches in gold. Columbus tricks many crewmen by telling them that the voyage would only last seven weeks.

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The Age of Discovery

This is how your paper can get an A! Feel free to contact our custom writing service for professional assistance. We offer high-quality assignments for reasonable rates. School children across the United States immediately recognize the name Christopher Columbus.

The Last Voyage of Columbus

He has assumed iconic status as the instigator of European imperialism in the Americas. Much of the historical Columbus, though, became obscured by eighteenth- and nineteenth-century mythology that valorized the sailor. Contrary to folklore, most educated Portuguese conceptualized the earth as a sphere by Columbus proposed that only three thousand nautical miles separated Europe and Asia, a distance that ships of the day could easily traverse.

Legacy of Christopher Columbus

Indeed, reaching Asia via the Atlantic would mean traveling a distance of 10, nautical miles, more than three times the distance Columbus predicted. Portuguese Lats conjectured that Columbus and his crew would starve before reaching Asia, and they likely would have had they not happened upon the Western Hemisphere. Ferdinand later claimed credit for convincing Isabella to set aside her misgivings about Columbus. The crew aboard the Pinta first spotted land on October 7,and made landfall three days later.

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During his first voyage, Columbus scouted various other islands throughout the Caribbean, including Hispaniola now Haiti and the Dominican Republic and Cuba. Columbus did not understand or accept that he had arrived on lands unknown to contemporary Europeans.

The Last Voyage of Columbus

Instead, he steadfastly claimed to have reached Asia. Encountering wicked storms and bad luck, he did not return to Castile until March. Columbus found much glory when he entered the royal court.]

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