The Intelligence Communities Lessons Learned -

The Intelligence Communities Lessons Learned - same

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The Intelligence Communities Lessons Learned - apologise


Coordination between law enforcment and the intel community must be fine-tuned.


When I served as an associate professor at the Army Command General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, fresh from a posting in the Middle East war zone, I began my lectures on intelligence with a deep dive on the partnership between the CIA and the government as a whole. A breakdown in any Intellligence of these three phases can result in an The Intelligence Communities Lessons Learned failure. The deadly Jan. Capitol was just such a catastrophic intelligence failure, most especially in the analytical and decision-making stages.

After breaking through a thinly defended police line, insurrectionists pillaged the Senate and House chambers, where lawmakers had been certifying the presidential vote. The riots resulted in five deaths and more than injuries.

The Intelligence Communities Lessons Learned

Only after the outer perimeter of security at the Capitol had been breached did Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser request additional D. National Guard troops to augment the contingent of roughly troops on duty at the time. Hostile forces despoiled the Capitol for the first time since the British burned it during the War of This time the peaceful transfer of power, a hallmark of our democracy, was besieged by our own citizens. The New York Police Department in late December reportedly collected social media information indicating there would be violence on that fateful day. And on Jan. There is no indication that those findings were incorporated in an FBI joint intelligence bulletin or Department of Homeland Security threat assessment, which would have been shared The Intelligence Communities Lessons Learned officials responsible for security at the Capitol.

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To their credit, federal, state and local law enforcement responded to the lessons learned Jan. As a result, overwhelming force was deployed in the District and state capitols around the nation on the day President See more was sworn in, deterring any who would seek to harm innocent civilians and disrupt our democratic process.

But after all the barriers have been removed, the troops dispersed and the bridges opened, the threat from domestic violent extremists will persist. An assessment is a necessary first step, but strategic planning, for which the Biden Lessos will be held The Intelligence Communities Lessons Learned, requires at least three concrete lines of approach and action.

The Intelligence Communities Lessons Learned

First, Ms. Haines will need to fine-tune the coordination between the intelligence community and law enforcement to ensure threats are analyzed and shared with lightning speed. Second, the intelligence agencies must pay particular attention to foreign adversaries and terrorists seeking to exploit the fissures in our society, including via the Internet, which enable the transfer of funds, sharing tactics for launching terrorist attacks, and the dissemination of radical ideology to recruit new followers.]

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