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The Importance Of Kurtz In Joseph Conrads

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The Importance Of Kurtz In Joseph Conrads

Featured Collection. Chapter I explores various aspects of the quest.

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Because l i Cnorads e i s a "destructive element", the individual must struggle to justify his existence and make his dream come true. To be successful i n this struggle, man needs self-knowledge. This, i n turn, requires a commitment to the community. The quest i stherefore, ethical rather than metaphysical.

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Chapter II i s a study of the egoistic dream. The sense of superiority over the rest of mankind causes Jim, Heyst, and Kurtz to dissociate themselves from their fellow men. Con-sequently, they lack a clear sense of their moral responsibility and of the destructive tendencies i n their own nature.

The Importance Of Kurtz In Joseph Conrads

Rather than help these individuals te find meaning i n l i f ethe egoistic dream becomes the cause of their failure. Chapter concentrates upon the "saving illusion", a sense of self involving a moral commitment to the community.

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Through involvement, the individual becomes concerned with - i i -f u l Kurz i l l i n g his moral obligation, rather than vindicating an ideal of himself. Therefore, he seeks the self-knowledge which w i l l enable him to guard against defeat. Finally, Chapter IV deals with Conrad's artistic endeavour as his quest for identity.

The Importance Of Kurtz In Joseph Conrads

Conrad's aim was to communicate his truth to the reader.]

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