The Construct Of Alexithymi An Effective Treatment -

The Construct Of Alexithymi An Effective Treatment Video

Emotional Intelligence In Eating Disorders The Construct Of Alexithymi An Effective Treatment.

As human beings, our lives are profoundly influenced by how we experience, handle, and express emotions.

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When something good happens to us, we feel lightness and joy in our hearts. When we experience losses and defeats, we have a sinking feeling at the bottom of our stomachs. But imagine not being able to do that. What if you could never identify if you are sad or happy? Can you imagine how confusing that is? That is the world that a person with alexithymia dwells in. Alexithymia, derived from the Greek language, means "no emotions for words. It represents a reduced ability, or sometimes a complete inability, to be connected with the internal emotive signals your body sends you. If you have alexithymia, you do not only have trouble knowing how you feel, and you also struggle to tell how others feel. You may come across as socially awkward or lacking in humour.

The Construct Of Alexithymi An Effective Treatment when others empathize with difficult things you are going through, you cannot take it and may come across as eerily stoic. If you struggle with alexithymia, the following may represent some of your day-to-day challenges:. You have no idea what you are feeling inside. When others ask how you are, you draw a blank.

اعتبار سازه الکسیتی: یک رویکرد مبتنی بر اندازه‌گیری

Most of the time, you can only tell if you are feeling "good" or "bad," "happy" or "unhappy," and not much more nuances beyond that. Rather than explaining how your or instincts drive you to a particular action, you tend to define yourself with logic.

You may speak in a monotone, and the way you narrate stories may include so much factual, sequential details that some people find it hard to follow. You are disconnected from your own needs and desires.

The Diagnosis of Alexithymia

Because you are confused yourself, others around you also do not know what Effrctive want, leading to relationship and interpersonal frustrations. You may have sudden, unpredictable physical symptoms like racing heartbeat, difficulty breathing, bodily pain and headache but have no idea where they have come from. To the extreme, you may even have suicide ideation and self-harm behaviours but are disconnected to the reasons behind them. You have limited imagination and are not able to enjoy anything that has to do with the fantasy world. Here are not able to communicate any emotion even to family and close friends, but you may suddenly show disruptive behaviour like bouts of anger.]

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