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The Colosseum Cultural And Cultural Values - apologise that

Make it your trip. Sun, 27 May - Wed, 6 Jun Edit. See full calendar. Istanbul, Turkey — 1 night. On the 28th Mon , take an in-depth tour of Chora Museum , then admire the landmark architecture of Basilica Cistern , then take in the spiritual surroundings of Sultan Ahmed Mosque , and finally take an in-depth tour of Topkapi Palace. To see photos, reviews, maps, and more tourist information, you can read our Istanbul online trip builder. Wrap up your sightseeing on the 29th Tue to allow time to travel to Rome.

For the first time two excellences of our cultural heritage are presented together with the public: the site of the most famous archaeological excavations in the world and the largest amphitheater in Rome. The review, however, goes beyond what is more celebrated than the discovery of Pompeii: in the sections divided within them — the alliance, the colonial era, the decline and the end — four centuries of history of the Vesuvian city unfold with marble statues and bronze, frescoes, finds related to trade, reconstructions of war machines.

Promoted by the Colosseum archaeological park in collaboration with that of Pompeii and the National Museum of Naples, it is intended for a large number of visitors.

The Colosseum Cultural And Cultural Values

At the entrance, a fresco directly connects places and cities; represents a fight that broke out in the amphitheater of Pompeii. The painting appears to have been made with the Colisseum of read article drone: people can be seen fighting inside and outside the building.

They were Pompeians and Nucerians, in disagreement over land assignments. The Senate of Rome banned performances for ten years; the emperor Nero intervened to reduce them: the family of his wife Poppea had houses in the city and properties in the surrounding area. Today, visiting Pompeii, we know the city as it was in Culturla last period of The Colosseum Cultural And Cultural Values existence; but the stratigraphic excavations have highlighted the most ancient phases, when other peoples have determined appearance and traditions. Etruscans and Greeks have left their traces in cults, epigraphs, funerary objects; however, it was the Samnites, who spoke in the Oscan language, who profoundly marked the face of the city in the urban layout, with imposing houses built for the ruling class.

Pompeii 79 AD A Roman history

Criticized by conservatives, an unlimited display of upstart, generals and aristocrats, it had its reflections also in Pompeii, with gifts the bronze Artemis on display, coming from the Corinthian booty or purchases: new and lucrative trades brought artists and artifacts precious for landowners and wealthy shipowners. Just think of the many refined mosaics that have been preserved at the Colosseum there will be the painting composed of thousands of glass pastes depicting a variety of fishand the ivory statuette of the Indian goddess Lakshmi, naked and jeweled, considered a dispenser The Colosseum Cultural And Cultural Values well-being and prosperity. It is precisely the second century. BC the period of the construction and economic boom of Pompeii: new cults arrived, houses were built as small palaces, and the aristocrats of the capital chose the Campania coast for their idle villas.

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Shortly thereafter, the Roman civil war that broke out between the opposing factions popular and optimates of Caio Mario and Cornelio Silla, involved Pompeii. On the walls, reinforced with towers before the siege, there are still letters in the Oscan language — written from right to left — with the indications of the assembly points to face the attackers, while the catapults threw large stone balls into the town, some of the which emerged during the excavations.

If before Pompeii, in the Roman orbit, carried out its business without interference, now it became a center governed by new laws and magistracies. The Latin language was imposed, the homes and agricultural properties The Colosseum Cultural And Cultural Values those who had not sided with Silla were confiscated, cultural canons and artistic tastes changed. Wealthy women also appeared on the public scene, following the example of Livia, consort of Augustus: the priestess Eumachia, patron saint of dyers, had a building built with her name next to the Piazza del Foro. The result is a high wall, marked by pilasters and refined capitals in white and polychrome marble, and in the center a niche with the seductive statuette of the goddess. The last section of the exhibition concerns the sunset of Pompeii.

The first sign of the end dates back to 62 AD, when it was the epicenter of a devastating earthquake.

The Colosseum Cultural And Cultural Values

Images of that event had been fixed in two marble reliefs in the exhibition, a copy of a find : walls, doors, one side of the Forum during the collapse. They were in the home of Cecilio Giocondo, tax collector and banker, whom we will know in his bronze portrait. Pompeii did not rise again. There were many works in progress when, seventeen years later, it was buried by the eruption of Vesuvius.]

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